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Newsmakers of the Week                                            FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 26

                         PARI V. PANDHARIPANDE                                                    SINDHU SRINIVAS

           Scientist appointed as Chair of                                             UoP Hospital appoints

             Radiology by Penn Medicine                                                    Executive Director

              ari V. Pandharipande, MD, MPH, FACR, a nationally renowned physi-
              cian-scientist at The Ohio State University (OSU) College of Medicine   he  University  of  Pennsylvania  has  appointed  Sindhu  Srinivas,  MD,
        Pand Wexner Medical Center, has been named Chair of the department        MSCE, LDI Senior Fellow and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
        of Radiology at Penn Medicine, effective June 1, 2025.              Tat the Perelman School of Medicine, as Executive Director of the Hos-
            Pandharipande has served as Chair of Radiology at The OSU College of   pital of the University of Pennsylvania’s (HUP)-Cedar Avenue public health
        Medicine and Chief of Radiology Services at Wexner Medical Center since   campus.
        2021. Under her leadership at OSU, the department has substantially grown   The Associate Chief Medical Officer for Quality and Safety at HUP, Sri-
        its imaging infrastructure, volumes, and service line, and has significantly ex-  nivas is the former Vice Chair for Quality and Safety in the HUP Obstetrics
        panded its training program.                                        and  Gynecology  Department.  In  her  new  position,  she  oversees  all  HUP-
                                                                            based services at the remote HUP-Cedar Avenue campus.
        She previously spent 17 years at Massachusetts General Hospi-           A  health  services  researcher,  Srinivas’  research  work  has  focused  on
                                                                            health  equity,  care  delivery  models,  and  maternal  health.  She  previously
        tal (MGH) as a physician and researcher, studying topics ranging  served on both the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Maternal Mortality Review
        from imaging value to cancer screening, surveillance, and treat-    committees. Nationally, she is President-elect of the Society for Maternal-Fe-
                                                                            tal Medicine (SMFM). She earned her MD from the University of Medicine
        ment selection. Pandharipande also served as Associate Chair of  and Dentistry of New Jersey and she completed her residency and fellowship
        Integrated Imaging and Imaging Sciences and as Executive Direc-     at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

        tor of Clinical Enterprise Integration for Mass General Brigham     “HUP Cedar Avenue and the Cedar Public health campus overall
        Radiology, leading a transformative project for integration of im-  serves an incredibly important role in improving the overall health
        aging services across MGH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and         and wellness of the community,” said Srinivas. “I am honored
        their community affiliates.                                         to serve as the Executive Director and to advance the mission

            “Dr. Pandharipande brings a wealth of experience in key leadership roles  of this critical campus in partnership with Philadelphia Public
        that uniquely position her to lead our ‘One Penn Medicine Radiology’ efforts   Health Management Corporation, Children’s Hospital of Philadel-
        at this critical time for health care,” said Kevin B. Mahoney, CEO of the Uni-
        versity of Pennsylvania Health System.                              phia, and the community.”
            Pandharipande  brings  strong  national  leadership  experience,  current-
        ly serving on the Board of Directors for the Radiological Society of North   HUP-Cedar  Avenue  was  established  in  2021  when  the  former  Trinity
        America, where she oversees the Government Relations portfolio, and on the   Health Mid-Atlantic’s Mercy Catholic Medical Center was taken over by the
        Advisory Board of the American College of Radiology’s Harvey L. Neiman   Philadelphia  Public  Health  Management  Corporation  (PHMC)  and  Penn
        Health Policy Institute. She also has served as Chair of the American Cancer   Medicine—with PHMC owning the property and Penn Medicine managing
        Society’s Healthcare Outcomes, Policy, and Systems grant review committee   hospital operations. Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the In-
        and currently serves as a member of the NIH’s Organization and Delivery of   dependence Blue Cross Foundation have also joined with Penn Medicine as
        Health Services study section.                                      coalition partners in the transformation of HUP-Cedar Avenue to serve West
            Pandharipande  earned  both  her  undergraduate  and  medical  degrees   Philadelphia’s underserved communities.
        from Cornell University.                                                                                     Continued on next page... >>

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