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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 22

          Indian Seniors of Chicago Displays National

                       Pride on 76th Republic Day of India

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL
           ndian  Seniors  of  Chicago,  ISC
           celebrated the 76th Republic Day
        Iof India on Saturday, January 11,
        at the Mahalaxmi Hall of Manav Seva
        Mandir,  with  more  than  380  mem-
        bers  immersed  in  the  nationalistic
        fervor. To celebrate the national festi-
        val of India, all senior members were
        dressed  in  the  colorful  costumes  of                          President Dilip Patel welcoming the new members
        Veer Savarkar, Veer Sambhaji, Sangh
        President  Shri  Mohan  Bhagwat,
        Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi,
        UP Chief Minister Shri Yogiji, Presi-
        dent of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu
        and made their presence felt on the
        stage.  On  the  occasion,  Bhupendra
        Suthar,  dressed  as  an  army  officer,
        described each character in detail.
            Under the leadership of the Vice
        President  of  the  organization,  Kan-
        tibhai Patel, thirty members entered
        the hall in a joyful parade along with
        the  Indian  tricolor.  All  members
        stood  up  and  greeted  the  parade                               ISC members celebrating India’s 76th Republic Day
        with the slogans of Bharat Mata Ki
        Jai,  Shaheedo  Amar  Raho,  Vande
        Mataram,  and  Jai  Hind  to  create
        a  patriotic  atmosphere  in  the  hall.
        After  that,  Shri  Bhupendra  Suthar
        invited  the  chief  guest,  Dr.  Bharat
        Barai to hoist the national flag of In-
        dia. Dr. Bharat saluted the national
        flag and all the members stood up for
        singing the national anthem.
            On  the  occasion,  Dahyabhai
        Prajapati greeted Shri Nanubhai and
        Smt. Jashwanti Bodhanwala who had
        sponsored the delicious lunch for the
        republic  day  celebration.  He  pre-
        sented them with a bouquet and ex-
        pressed gratitude to the Bodhanwala
        family. President Dilip Patel thanked
        all  the  volunteers,  news  photogra-                                 (L to R) ISC Founder Narsinhbhai Patel, Dr. Bharat Barai, Yoga Teacher Dharamji Punwani,
        pher Jayanti Oza and the members
        who participated in the parade.                                              Dahyabhai Prajapati of Manav Seva Mandir – Photos by Jayanti Oza
            Same  day,  the  general  meeting
        of  Indian  Seniors  of  Chicago  was   Chief guest Dr. Bharat Barai unfurling the   Laughter Yoga. He emphasized that   ident of the organization, Shri Dilip
        held at the Mahalaxmi Hall of Ma-                                   doing  laughter  yoga  for  10  minutes   Patel,  welcomed  the  new  members
        nav Seva Mandir, with more than 380           national flag         every morning stimulates the lungs,   who have joined the organization in
        members in attendance. The meeting                                  stomach  and  brain  etc.  Thereafter,   the year 2025.
        was conducted by Navin Patel. In the   with  the  mention  of  the  individuals   Bhupendra Suthar honored Punwani   Manav Seva Mandir Chairman
        beginning,  Hanuman  Chalisa  was   and  organizations  that  donated  to   with a bouquet.           Dahyabhai  Prajapati  and  Nitin  Pa-
        recited  by  Bhupendra  Suthar,  Gee-  the organization.                Shri  Bhupendra  Suthar  invited   tel gave information about the pro-
        ta Suthar and Daksha Parikh. After    In continuation, Navin Patel in-  all the members who have their birth-  posed  Moksha  Dham  project  and
        that income and expenditure account   troduced  Yoga  Teacher  Dharamji   day in the month of January to come   appealed to support the scheme of
        of the month of December was pre-  Punwani.  Punwani  provided  infor-  forward. Those members were given   this  Moksha  Dham  to  be  built  for
        sented  by  Treasurer  Hemant  Modi   mation about the various benefits of   roses by Shri Vinod Modi. The Pres-  Hindus in Chicago.

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