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Newsmakers of the Week                                            FEBRUARY 07, 2025        |  The Indian Eye 24

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                            SHANKAR K. PRASAD                               teaching and learning around the world. In recognition of those efforts, the
                                                                            launch of the Global Brown lounge and the expansion of the Office of Inter-
          Dean of Brown University steps                                    national Student and Scholar Services, Brown was awarded a Senator Paul
                                                                            Simon Award for Campus Internalization in 2019.
             down, joins Carnegie as CSO                                                       JYOTISHMAN PATHAK

                                                                                       ASU selects inaugural

                                                                              dean of School of Technology for

                                                                                               Public Health

                                                                                 yotishman  Pathak,  an  inter-
                                                                                 nationally  recognized  leader
                                                                            Jin  biomedical  informatics  and
                                                                            population  health  sciences,  will  be
                                                                            the inaugural dean of the new School
                                                                            of  Technology  for  Public  Health  at
                                                                            Arizona  State  University,  effective
                                                                            July 1.
                                                                                In  this  critical  role,  Pathak  will
                                                                            help build and launch a first-in-the-
                                                                            nation  school  shaping  an  emerging
             hankar  K.  Prasad,  dean  of  Brown  University’s  School  of  Professional   and  critically  important  field  that
             Studies, SPS since 2022, will step down effective January 31 to join the   harnesses the power of technology to
        Ssenior leadership team at Carnegie, a higher education marketing and   address pressing public health chal-
        enrollment strategy firm, as chief strategy officer.                lenges and opportunities at the local, national and global levels.
            Prasad, a Brown University Ph.D. alumnus, will depart Brown after a   “I am truly honored and humbled to serve as the inaugural dean of ASU’s
        decade-long tenure that also included appointments as deputy provost, vice   School of Technology for Public Health,” Pathak said. “As a leading public
        president for academic innovation, and associate director of the Watson In-  research university, ASU has fostered a culture of innovation, transformation
        stitute for International and Public Affairs. Since his appointment as School   and interdisciplinary collaboration — key to tackling pressing public health
        of Professional Studies dean, he has led an expansion in master’s degree, pro-  challenges  such  as  maternal  and  child  health,  mental  and  environmental
        fessional and non-degree programs, and strengthened support for master’s   health, infectious diseases and public health communication, among others.
        students at Brown.                                                  I am excited to partner with faculty, students, staff and communities across
            As the third dean of the School of Professional Studies and Brown’s first   Phoenix and Arizona to reimagine and advance public health infrastructure,
        vice president for academic innovation, Prasad provided executive oversight   education and scholarship for the 21st century.”
        of SPS’s academic programs, finance and administrative operations, and stu-  An integral part of ASU Health, the School of Technology will contrib-
        dent life, and worked with academic leaders across campus to develop new   ute to the development of a technologically sophisticated workforce that will
        areas for growth and success. Prasad expanded Brown’s suite of non-degree   power the field of public health and is expecting to welcome its first cohort of
        programs, including corporate education programs, certificate programs and   students in the Master of Public Health and Master of Public Health Technol-
        short courses that focus on rapid skill development.                ogy programs in fall 2025.
            He developed partnership with the School of Public Health to launch an   “Dr. Pathak is an ideal leader for our new School of Technology for
        online master of public health program, Brown’s first exclusively online de-  Public Health. He has been leading an extremely productive and well-fund-
        gree program.                                                       ed program of research utilizing medical informatics and digital health tech-
            “Shankar  has  been  instrumental  in  building  on  Brown’s  academic   nologies, including AI, to design and deploy solutions to a range of critical
        strengths, delivering instruction in compelling new ways and making Brown’s   health problems,” ASU Executive Vice President and University Provost
        world-class  education  accessible  to  a  diverse  range  of  learners  across  the   Nancy Gonzales said.
        globe,” said Brown Provost Francis J. Doyle III.                        Pathak is recognized as a leading researcher, educator and innovator in
            In a series of leadership roles in the Office of the Provost from 2016 to   the field of informatics and behavioral health, and is a generous mentor of
        2022,  Prasad  worked  closely  with  Brown  leaders  to  advance  academic  ex-  faculty and students, Gonzales added.
        cellence, improve operational effectiveness and financial sustainability, and   Pathak currently is the Frances & John L. Loeb Professor of Medical
        promote community. He played important roles in academic continuity and   Informatics, professor of health care policy and research in psychiatry, chief
        return-to-campus planning during the COVID-19 pandemic, strategic plan-  of the Division of Health Informatics and vice chair for entrepreneurship in
        ning and reorganizations for multiple Brown schools, and the transition of the   the Department of Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine
        Brown Arts Initiative to the expanded Brown Arts Institute.         in New York.
            He  wrote  the  University’s  first  global  strategy  for  advancing  research,                         Continued on next page... >>

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