Page 28 - The Indian EYE 020725
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BUSINESS & TRADE FEBRUARY 07, 2025 | The Indian Eye 28
With more demand and capacity,
Adani Power consolidates sales as
it registers a growth of 22%
Adani Wilmar reported its highest-ever quarterly net profit of Rs 411 crore in
the October-December quarter, up by 105 per cent year-on-year
dani Power’s consolidated power sale vol-
ume during the first three quarters of 2024-
A25 (April-December) was at 69.5 billion
Units (BU), up by 22 per cent from 57.1 BU, the
company’s earnings data showed on Wednesday.
The Adani Group company attributed the rise in
volume to improved power demand and larger op-
erating capacity.
Consolidated continuing total revenues were
higher by 13 per cent at Rs 41,951 crore in the
three quarters versus Rs 37,173 crore in the same
of 2023-24, supported by higher sales volumes.
In the December quarter, the consolidated pow-
er sale volume was at 23.3 BU, up by 8 per cent
from 21.5 BU in the same quarter of 2023-24, due Adani Power is well on its way to achieve its generation capacity target of 30+ GW by 2030 (File photo)
to improved power demand and higher operating
capacity. from backward integration into mining to improve er revenue of Rs 16,859 crores in the December
our competitiveness and digitalization of our op- quarter, up by 31 per cent year-on-year, with un-
Consolidated total revenue for the Decem- erations to enhance our future-readiness. Our derlying volume growth of 5 per cent year-on-year.
unceasing focus on our ESG efforts has placed us
The company achieved a healthy volume
ber quarter was higher by 11 per cent at amongst top 15 per cent of our global peers and growth of 5 per cent year-on-year, despite signif-
Rs 14,833 crore vs Rs 13,355 crore in the earned us international recognition.” icant price hikes driven by a surge in raw material
All-India power demand grew by 4.3 per cent
same quarter of 2023-24, primarily due to to 393 BU in the December quarter as compared Similarly, the Adani Group company report-
higher volume. Consolidated Profit After to the year-ago period. Demand growth was af- ed its highest-ever quarterly operating EBITDA of
fected marginally due to cold weather, said Adani
Rs 792 crores in the December quarter, up by 57
Tax for the December quarter was higher Power in the statement. per cent year-on-year.
Its food and FMCG recorded revenue growth
Demand also picked up in the month of De-
by 7 per cent at Rs 2,940 crore versus Rs cember 2024, which registered a growth of 5.7 per of 22 per cent year-on-year in the December quar-
2,738 crore in the same quarter of 2023-24. cent over December 2023. The cumulative de- ter, with an underlying volume growth of 23 per
mand for 2024-25 till December 2024 was healthy cent year-on-year. Trailing 12 months (TTM) rev-
Adani Power Ltd, a part of Adani portfolio of with a growth of 4.6 per cent over the correspond- enue was at Rs 6,150 crores.
companies, has announced the financial results ing period of 2023-24. The Adani company has been expanding its
for the third quarter ended December 2024. SB Adani Power Ltd has an installed thermal distribution network to access more towns, reach-
Khyalia, CEO, Adani Power Limited, said, “Adani power capacity of 17,510 MW spread across elev- ing over 43K rural towns directly by the end of De-
Power is well on its way to achieve its generation en power plants in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karna- cember 2024.
capacity target of 30+ GW by 2030, with rapid taka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, This marks substantial progress from just over
progress in under-construction projects, secure Jharkhand, and Tamil Nadu, apart from a 40 MW 5,000 towns in March 2022. The company said that
supply chain, and successful bids for long-term solar power plant in Gujarat. the goal is to reach over 50,000 rural towns by the
PPA tie-ups.” Meanwhile, Adani Wilmar reported its high- end of 2024-25 and drive the penetration of outlets
“We are well-positioned to benefit from the est-ever quarterly net profit of Rs 411 crore in the as well as volume offtake in these new outlets.
attractive opportunities in the Indian thermal October-December quarter, up by 105 per cent In Q3, revenue from alternate channels in-
power sector and to support its steadily growing year-on-year. In the year-ago quarter, the prof- creased at a strong double-digit rate YoY, with
power demand. Our high-quality asset portfolio, it after tax was at Rs 200.89 crore. The company revenue over the past 12 months at around Rs
operating excellence, and execution capabilities has been delivering strong profits over the last five 3,300 crores. The e-commerce (including quick
set us apart and help us deliver consistent profit- quarters. commerce) sales volume continued to grow rapid-
ability and cash flows. We are taking steps ranging The company also reported its highest-ev- ly at 41 per cent YoY.