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EYE ON BOLLYWOOD FEBRUARY 07, 2025 | The Indian Eye 30
Grammy-winning artist on cloud nine after
being honored with Padma Shri for his music
The renowned musician recently performed at the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
Convention which was formally inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
OUR BUREAU Kej’s three Grammy Awards, includ-
ing his recent recognition for Divine
New Delhi
Tides, a collaboration with Stewart
or the year 2025, the President Copeland.
of India, Droupadi Murmu, Kej’s Grammy-winning works,
Fapproved the conferment of such as Winds of Samsara (2015) and
139 Padma Awards, with Ricky Kej Divine Tides (2022), have cemented
among the distinguished Padma Shri his position as a global icon in the
awardees. The Padma Awards, an- music industry. His latest Grammy
nounced each year on the occasion of nomination for Break of Dawn has
Republic Day, recognize outstanding made waves.
contributions in diverse fields, includ- Recently, the Grammy-winning
ing art, literature, medicine, science, artist performed at the 18th Pravasi
and public service. Bharatiya Divas (PBD) Convention,
The 2025 list of awardees fea- a celebration of the Indian diaspora,
tures notable figures such as the late in Odisha. The three-day event was
legendary folk singer Sharda Sinha, formally inaugurated by Prime Min-
late singer Pankaj Udhas, actor ister Narendra Modi on the second
Anant Nag, and renowned violinist day of the convention. More than
Lakshminarayana Subramaniam. 3,000 delegates from 70 countries ar-
Grammy-winning musician rived in Odisha for the 18th Pravasi
Ricky Kej, whose music is globally ac- Bharatiya Divas.
claimed for its unique blend of sound Kej shared his excitement about
and social consciousness, marks a being a part of the event. “It’s a huge
monumental achievement in Kej’s honour for me to be here in Odisha,
career. Speaking to reporters, Ricky in Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar is one
Kej shared his overwhelming joy at of my favourite cities in India, and to
receiving the Padma Shri, and said, come here for the Pravasi Bharatiya
“It came as a huge, huge shock to me Divas is amazing. I’ve composed the
that I had won the Padma Shri, and I theme song for this year’s Pravasi
was very thrilled. In the past, I have Bharatiya Divas, and I’m honoured
won three Grammy Awards but every to perform that song tomorrow at
single Grammy Award is about a cer- the event. I’m very excited to show-
tain work that I have done, one par- case the song, which is dedicated
ticular album or one particular song... to 1.4 billion Indians and 35 million
Whereas the Padma Shri is about my strong members of the Indian dias-
career as a whole. So that is why it’s pora worldwide,” he had said.
extra special and also because it’s an Kej also shared his admiration
award that has been awarded by my for Odisha, calling it a state of im-
own nation. It feels amazing to win mense beauty and “cultural heritage”.
this award.” Three-time Grammy Award Winner Ricky Kej performing the song ‘Lifesong’ launched during a “Odisha is a beautiful state, not
Kej emphasised how the Padma only for its arts and culture but also
Shri recognizes his career as a whole, recent concert at Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi (ANI Photo/Jitender Gupta) for its tremendous heritage, beauti-
a profound validation from his own ful temples, ancient structures, and,
country. “I cannot describe how hap- Kej also expressed his deep grat- this career choice that I made of when it comes to agriculture and
py I am to be recognised and to be itude to his parents and thanked creating music purely on social and tribal communities, it’s just a beauti-
validated for my entire career by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for environmental causes was seeking in- ful, beautiful state. I’m very, very glad
own government, by our own nation. the inspiration behind his career. “I spiration from Prime Minister Modi, that the government has decided to
It feels amazing. I feel that this is am very grateful to my parents... I and I believe that that is what has hold this year’s Pravasi Bharatiya Di-
the biggest honour that I’ve ever re- would also like to thank our Prime made my career,” he said. vas on such a grand scale in the state
ceived in my life,” he added. Minister Narendra Modi because The prestigious honour follows of Odisha,” he said.