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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 22

           varli cook off live 2022 to showcase

                               the best of Indian cuisine

                                          Chef Prasad Chirnomula, Chef KN Vinod

                             and Restaurateur Vishal Bakshi, will judge the competition

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              homas  Keller  once  said  “A
              recipe has no soul. You, as the
        Tcook, must bring soul to the
        recipe.” This is exactly what the Var-
        li Cook Off Live is all about. It is an
        event to test the passion of food-lov-
        ers and how well they can cook under
            Born and raised across various
        parts of Asia and the Middle East,
        eclectic cuisines were a part of Var-
        li Singh’s life from the beginning.
        However, her move to New York     influencer,  a  singer,  and  an  actor,   him “the most exciting Indian Chef   nary creation of our top four contes-
        City was the true kickstarter of her   and she has also produced music vid-  in the United States”.   tants and promote awareness about
        love affair with Indian cuisine. Wit-  eos and short films.             Chef KN Vinod and his culinary   the  mouth-watering  Indian  cuisine
        nessing the passion that world-re-                                  approach has been celebrated by so   and its extraordinary culture.
        nowned  chefs  had  for  perfecting  The varli cook off live is now back   many magazines over the years such   A fundraiser hosted by Diya
        their craft and the celebrity-like fol-  with a bang, in association with mar-  as The Washington Post, Washing-  Singh will be held during the event.
        lowing they received for creating a   tinsville  gardens,  new Jersey. The   tonian, The New York Times, India   All the products will be sold by Varli-
        great dining experience, Varli devel-  event will be taking place on Sun-  Abroad, Style Magazine, and Zagat,   Ware and the 100% proceeds will go
        oped a unique vision for changing   day, January 9th, 2022.  celebrity   among others. His restaurants have   to Cohen Children’s Medical Center,
        the landscape of Indian food.                                       served  host  to  foreign  dignitaries,   Long Island.
            In reviewing mainstream food   chef and James Beard honoree, chef   presidents, and celebrities.      To make the event more fun and
        guides  like Zagat,  the  New York   Prasad  chirnomula who, alongside   Restaurateur Vishal Bakshi has   gripping, a special food and dessert
        Times, and Michelin reviews, Varli   famed  restaurateur and  celebri-  always been a pillar of backbone to   tasting drive will also be conducted
        realized that Indian restaurateurs   ty chef kn vinod and restaurateur   Varli. He has always been one call   by VarliWare.
        and chefs needed a stronger voice  vishal Bakshi, will judge the  varli   away for any kind of advice and help   In order to keep the audi-
        to receive their due recognition. The  cook off live, 2022.         Varli has needed. Competing Chefs   ence thrilled, and the contestants
        Varli Vision was born with a commit-                                will demonstrate their skills in craft-  high-spirited, the judges will do live
        ment to sensationalizing the cuisines   Chef Prasad has been featured   ing signature dishes, displaying first-  judging and decide the winner and
        she grew up loving and to ensure that   in The New York Times for his work.   hand the unique art of Indian cook-  the runner-up on the very same day.
        everyone has the opportunity to ap-  They celebrated Chef Prasad’s cui-  ing. Just one of the many reasons to   Get ready to experience an extrava-
        preciate all that these foods have to   sine as “unusual, exciting, and so   put the Varli Food Festival on your   ganza like none other. Save the dates
        offer.                            varied that I am never bored”. The   calendar!                      and  book  your  calendars,  Sunday,
            Varli also happens to be a social   esteemed Rosengarten Report called   The event will showcase the culi-  January 9th, 2022.

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