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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 07, 2022 | The Indian Eye 26
aaeIo holds holiday party for its members,
opens Innovation hub
CHICAGO Inauguration of Innovation Hub
he American Association of Dr. Promod Vohra, former En-
Engineers of India Origin gineering Dean of Northern Illinois
T(AAEIO) organized a holiday University and current President of
party for its members at Kennedy ProBys also spoke to the gathering on
Hall, Bolingbrook Golf Course on the need for engineering to work to-
Dec 19th, 2020. Several members, in- gether to solve current challenges and
cluding leading CEOs, academicians, stated that he will AAEIO board to
fellow engineers with their spouses further its mission to engage, innovate,
were present. and educate engineers of Indian origin.
Bill Foster, Congressman-IL, Gladson Varghese, President, and
along with AAEIO President, Glad- Ajit Pant, thanked all members for be-
son Varghese, President-Elect Ajit coming part of AAEIO. They also in-
Pant, and Vice President, Nitin Ma- formed how AAEIO quickly became a
heshwari and other board members major force in the last 4 months since
inaugurated the AAEIO Innovation its inaugural event on Sep 26th, 2021.
Hub. Innovation Center is an AAEIO Gladson is very excited about the fu-
partnership with leading institutions ture and would like this organization
(India and U.S Governments, Purdue to have more than 10,000 members in
University, Northwestern University next the 10 year, driving innovation.
among others) to commercialize key AAEIO has also partnered with
technologies. Pan IIT Midwest Groups to bring
Dr. Deepak Vyas, CEO Redberri joint programming to both association
Group talked about the need to drive members. Mr. Ray Mehra, President
innovation and how AAEIO platform Pan-IIT Midwest group addressed
can help. He emphasized that there Gladson Varghese, the President of the organization the gathering and called for increased
are over 16,000 technologies that partnership between the two group to
NASA has which need to be commer- state and other grants can be used in use these funds on a select technol- solve some of the challenges that En-
cialized. As part of the innovation cen- conjunction with AAEIO’s start-up, ogies. These efforts gathered a lot of gineers, and larger communities face
ter, AAEIO will set up a fund where Corporate and regular members can excitement from AAEIO members. Continued at next page... >>