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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 24

         Aishwarya Kulkarni and raunak Ghosh win

         the prestigious Amgen Strategy competition

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            gather data on employee reactions to
                                                                                                              DIB policies and how they are treat-
                                                                                                              ed by the company.
              wo Indian American students                                                                         The pair was mentored by Am-
              at the University of South                                                                      gen leader Arnold Eddula, who is the
        TFlorida  took  the  top  prize  at                                                                   global head of operations in cyberse-
        the Amgen Strategy Competition for                                                                    curity. Ghosh said he was encour-
        a strategy proposal aimed at keeping                                                                  aged to see the number of companies
        a company’s workforce diverse. The                                                                    and organizations taking a big stand
        winning pitch of Aishwarya Kulkarni                                                                   on the important issues of diversity,
        and Raunak Ghosh beat out compet-                                                                     inclusion and belonging.
        ing proposals from dozens of other                                                                        “We got to understand how to
        universities across the country, ac-                                                                  make a presentation impactful for
        cording to a USF press release.                                                                       the viewers. We also understood the
            Kulkarni and Ghosh are both                                                                       value of teamwork as we worked
        graduate students in business analyt-                                                                 with each other, coordinating with
        ics and information systems program                                                                   our mentor, and implementing valu-
        at USF MUMA College of Business.                                                                      able feedback into our presentation,
            They won first place for present-                                                                 which  eventually  got  us  the  first
        ing on the topic of career develop-  main concept was the Human Li-  Copenhagen, Denmark that offers   prize,” he said.
        ment strategies to maintain the per-  brary project, where people can ex-  diversity and inclusion training to   The Indian American students
        centage of diverse talent at all levels   press their stories of overcoming any   companies and institutions. They   bested teams from the University of
        of hierarchy.                     biases or issues that they had faced   also host events featuring volunteers   Southern California and the Uni-
            The  month-long  competition   and how they overcame those issues,   with  personal experience  with  their   versity of California-Riverside, who
        culminated in an in-person pitch on   which would inspire people in the or-  topic.                   took second and third place. In all,
        Nov 18 before a panel of senior lead-  ganization and bring about a sense of   Ghosh said they also proposed   100 students from 23 universities
        ers from Amgen, a biotech company.  inclusion with respect to empathizing   companies emphasize diversity in   and colleges across the country took
            The pair’s winning proposal cen-  certain scenarios,” Ghosh said.  exit interviews, host events based on   part in the competition. Teams were
        tered on making people’s stories of   The Human Library Organiza-   the diversity, inclusion and belonging   tasked to pitch a strategy from four
        bias and belonging relatable. “Our   tion is a nonprofit headquartered in   (DIB) theme, and offer surveys to   different topics.

        Shri Thanedar to run for uS congress seat held by rashida Tlaib

          Thanedar grew up in India before immigrating to the US in 1979 to pursue a doctorate degree in chemistry. He is a serial
                                         entrepreneur and ran many small businesses from 1990 to 2016

        OUR BUREAU                        equalities, and to improve quality of   grew up in India before immigrating   earned  an  MBA  from  Fontbonne
                                          life for the residents,” Thanedar told   to the United States in 1979 to pur-  College in 1987.
        Detroit, MI
                                          the Detroit Metro Times. “I will also   sue a doctorate degree in chemistry.   Thanedar says he supports pro-
             hri Thanedar, a multimillionaire   seek federal assistance in the form of   He is a serial entrepreneur and ran   gressive  solutions,  including  the  $15
             Indian-American entrepreneur,   reparations to address decades of sys-  many small businesses from 1990 to   minimum wage, because he knows
        Sauthor, and politician, who cur-  temic racism in urban America.”  2016. He is a three-time recipient of   how important it is for Michigan fam-
        rently represents the 3rd district in   Whether Thanedar will face off   the “Entrepreneur of the Year” award   ilies to have opportunities to earn a
        the Michigan House, plans to run for   with Tlaib in the 2022 primary elec-  from Ernst and Young.    good-paying wage with one job in-
        US congressional seat held by fellow   tion is not yet known as Congressio-  According to his official bio Tha-  stead of needing two or three jobs to
        Democrat Rashida Tlaib.           nal districts are being redrawn, and   nedar grew up in a working-class fam-  make ends meet.
            Thanedar, who was a candidate in   Michigan is losing a US House seat   ily that suffered financial hardship and   Thanedar says he plans to use
        the Democratic Party primary for gov-  because of the state’s sluggish popula-  paid for his education by working as a   his knowledge, expertise, passion and
        ernor of Michigan in the 2018 elec-  tion growth, the Times said.   teacher’s assistant. “During that time,   dedication to bring real change for
        tion, filed paperwork with the Federal   Thanedar, who made his fortune   he earned just $300 a month and sent   Michigan families through progres-
        Election Commission on Dec 21 to   in the pharmaceutical industry spent   $75  each  month  to  his  family,  who   sive legislation to improve equality,
        run for the 13th District seat, which   more  than  $10  million  of  his  own   were dealing with financial hardship,   access and security for all.
        covers large chunks of Detroit, the   money to run for governor in 2018 to   could put food on the table,” it says.  He is passionate about promot-
        state’s largest city.             finish third in the Democratic prima-  After earning his PhD in Chem-  ing entrepreneurship, early-childhood
            “My focus is on bringing federal   ry election, but won Detroit city with   istry, Thanedar worked as a post-doc-  education, equitable K-12 funding, af-
        dollars to Detroit to address infra-  more than 35,000 votes.       toral research scholar at the Univer-  fordable healthcare and racial, social
        structure problems, economic in-      Thanedar, who lives in Detroit,   sity  of  Michigan  (1982-84).  He  also   and economic justice, the bio says.

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