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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 19

        ing  One  Community  which  serves   Holiday Party was held which served   A musical evening followed   ternational has become an active
        new immigrant communities. The    as a fundraiser for a service organi-  and was organized by GOPIO-CT   and dynamic organization hosting
        chapter also held a virtual interactive   zation.                   Vice President Dr. Jaya Daptardar.   interactive sessions with policy mak-
        meeting with Connecticut Attorney     The fundraiser netted $5,500 to   Singers at the evening were Srini-  ers and academicians, community
        General William Tong.             give to the local service organization   vas Gunupuru, Kashyap Jani, Shilpa   events, youth mentoring and net-
            The GBM also conducted its    Grassroots Tennis and Education, a   Kulkarni, Trupti Shah, Mike Patel   working workshops, and working
        annual election for 2021. Mr. Ashok   youth development non-profit orga-  and Dhilan shah.            with other area organizations to help
        Nichani was re-elected as the Presi-  nization that uses sports of tennis to   GOPIO-CT  Executive  Vice  create a better future.
        dent for one more term. Other elect-  engage  youth  in  out-of-school  time   President Prasad Chintalapudi con-  GOPIO-CT – Global Organi-
        ed  officials  are  Mr.  Prasad  Chinta-  programming in Norwalk and Stam-  cluded  the  program  and  thanked   zation of People of Indian Origin –
        lapudi as Executive Vice President,   ford. The group’s volunteers teach   everyone for making the program a   serves as a non-partisan, secular, civic
        Dr. Jaya Daptardar as Vice Presi-  tennis and helps students in educa-  success.                      and community service organization
        dent, Ms. Prachi Narayan as Secre-  tion. Grassroots’ representative Ms.   Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chair-  – promoting awareness of Indian cul-
        tary, Ms. Mahesh Jhangiai as Joint   Samantha Hayes spoke about the or-  man of GOPIO International  said   ture, customs and contributions of
        Secretary and Mr. Srinivas  Akarapu   ganization and thanked GOPIO-CT   that GOPIO-CT is the most active   PIOs through community programs,
        as Treasurer. GBM also reelected   for its generosity in raising funds for   chapter among over one hundred   forums, events and youth activities. It
        two trustees, Mr. Joseph Simon and   Grassroots. Another organization   GOPIO chapters worldwide.     seeks to strengthen partnerships and
        Mr. Shailesh Naik.                IT Serve Alliance also presented a    Over the last 14 years, GO-   create an ongoing dialogue with local
            Following  the  GBM,  Annual   check of $2,000 to Grassroots.   PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO In-    communities.

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