Page 18 - The Indian EYE 010722
P. 18

North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                              JANUARY 07, 2022

                  goPIo-cT holds annual holiday Party

         raising funds for local charity grassroots

                                          and elects new Team

            Ashok Nichani re-elected as the President for one more term. Other elected officials are Prasad

             Chintalapudi, Dr. Jaya Daptardar, Prachi Narayan, Mahesh Jhangiai and Srinivas Akarapu

        GOPIO-CT presenting a check to Grassroots of Norwalk/Stamford. Prachi Narayan, Sraavani   Singers and organizers at the GOPIO-CT Holiday Party Fundraiser. From l. to r. Shree Kanas-
        Akarapu, Srinivas Akarapu, Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, Grassroots official Samantha Hayes,   kar, Dhilan Shah, Trupti Shah, Shilpa Kulkarni, Dr. Jaya Daptardar, Dr. Thomas Abraham,
        President Ashok Nichani, Prasad Chintalapudi, Jayashri Chintalapudi and Dr. Jaya Daptardar  Srinivas Gunupuru, Kashyap Jani and Mike Patel

                                                                                                              Day which was followed by an In-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              dia  Festival  at  the  Mill  River  Park,
        Stamford, CT                                                                                          hosting UConn Indian students for
                                                                                                              a  Networking Welcome Dinner, an
               OPIO-CT organized its Gen-                                                                     interactive session with India’s Min-
               eral Body Meeting (GBM)
        Gand elected a new team on                                                                            ister of State for External Affairs V.
                                                                                                              Muraleedharan, Hosting a Conver-
        December 5th held at the Hampton                                                                      sation with Indra Nooyi and a Diwali
        Inn suite in Stamford. In its report to                                                               fundraiser for local charities,” added
        the GBM, President Ashok Nichani                                                                      President Nichani.
        said, “In spite of the Corona Virus                                                                       Secretary Prachi Narayan listed
        pandemic, GOPIO-CT did several                                                                        all major activities for the year which
        virtual programs in the beginning of                                                                  included major initiatives for serving
        the year on Zoom including a New                                                                      the local community and institutions
        Year Party which serve d as a fund-                                                                   during the pandemic and lockdown.
        raiser in support of soup kitchens, a                                                                 These included donating cash and re-
        Holi Celebration, interactive meet-                                                                   plenishing food items for the home-
        ings with CT lawmakers and raising                                                                    less and needy at the New Covenant
        funds for sending Oxygen Concen-                                                                      House in Stamford and Food Bank
        trators to India.”                 IT Serve Alliance official Prasad Chintalapudi presenting a check to Grassroots. From l. to r.,   of  Lower  Fairfield.  Two  other  ser-
            “As the pandemic was coming
        down in the year, the chapter orga-         Jayashri Chintalapudi, Samantha Hayes and Prasad Chintalapudi.  vice organizations were supported by
                                                                                                              GOPIO-CT in 2021, Future 5 which
        nized several programs with physi-                                                                    helps and counsel needy students at
        cal presence participating with oth-  Stamford’s founding, and organizing   at Govt. Center in Stamford to cel-  Stamford High Schools and Build-
        er ethnic communities celebrating   Indian  and  American  flag  hoisting   ebrate India’s 75th Independence   Continued at next page... >>

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