Page 21 - The Indian EYE 010722
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 21

        Health problem. South Asians are at   Men and Women at younger ages,    Dr. Vemuri S. Murthy, an Ad-  of Resuscitation education, training
        a four-times greater risk of heart dis-  and as a result, both morbidity and   junct  Faculty  in  the  Department  of   and research in USA and India. His
        ease than their western counterparts   mortality are higher among them   Emergency Medicine @ The Univer-  current work involves Cardiac Arrest
        and have a greater chance of having   compared to any other ethnic group.   sity of Illinois College of Medicine,   Registries and Cardiac Health-pro-
        a heart attack before 50 years of age.   They tend to develop heart disease   Chicago, Illinois, USA and Visiting   moting Projects with Indo-US col-
        Heart attacks strike South Asian   ten years earlier than other groups.   Professor in India, is an Advocate   laborations.

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