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OpINION                                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 14

        within the policy community of the                                                                    achieve its strategic objectives with-
        US and other Western countries on                                                                     out provoking any possibility of nu-
        NFU,  though  this  debate  has  been                                                                 clear escalation. Advocates of NFU
        going on in a subdued manner for a                                                                    claim that the reduction of salience
        long period. The allies were appar-                                                                   of the use of nuclear weapons may
        ently sent a set of questionnaires to                                                                 eventually result in realizing the re-
        respond.  Quite interestingly, even                                                                   dundancy of nuclear weapons and
        Chinese media like the Global Times                                                                   the virtue of nuclear disarmament.
        also joined the debate and reacted to                                                                     Considering the emerging trend,
        Western media reports.                                                                                it can be easily predicted that the US
            The Chinese media’s reaction                                                                      is not going to adopt the NFU not-
        tells a complex story about the unique                                                                withstanding the legislation for the
        position of the US in the world. It is                                                                purpose introduced by some Demo-
        one of the two countries which have                                                                   crat Congress members and the open
        been possessing more than 90 per                                                                      letters sent to Japan or the US pol-
        cent of the declared arsenals of the                                                                  iticians. The Administration is also
        world, and a decision about how to                                                                    not going to  adopt the  narrowly or
        use nuclear weapons may have an ex-          The US has the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world  broadly defined ‘sole purpose’. Pre-
        traordinary impact on global nuclear                                                                  dominantly, the US policy making
        thinking and behavior. China and its                                                                  community sees ‘sole purpose’ as a
        media are well aware of America’s                                                                     sophisticated version of NFU. Some
        hegemonic position even if the unipo-                                                                 new phrases may be coined and a few
        lar moment for the US is overlooked.                                                                  new measures may be taken to con-
        China may be a challenger to the US                                                                   vey the message that steps towards
        but to influence and shape the world                                                                  reducing nuclear risks have been tak-
        order, China understands that it has                                                                  en. Such recommendatory measures
        to undertake complex entanglement                                                                     are appearing on the websites of dif-
        with the American decision-making                                                                     ferent think tanks.
        process, possibly accepting the hier-                                                                     To mitigate apprehensions of
        archy in the global order.                                                                            its allies, the US ought to exercise
            The responses, reactions and de-                                                                  Expanded Multilateral Option. If
        bate on NFU have brought to light                                                                     a  NFU  treaty  is  concluded  and  all
        several issues, some of which are                                                                     the  nuclear  weapon  countries  be-
        lingering on for decades, some have                                                                   come parties to it, this could be an
        been discussed in the recent past and                                                                 ideal situation. Otherwise, it should
        others are reflection of the new issues   China has developed hypersonic missiles which can beat the US defense systems  approach Russia and other nuclear
        and challenges tossed by the contem-                                                                  weapon countries for developing an
        porary reality. The status-quoists ar-  does not have much basis because   the adoption of NFU or sole purpose   understanding on NFU, and have an
        gue for distancing from the policy of   the adoption of NFU does not mean   will weaken nuclear deterrence as   arrangement similar to 1925 Protocol
        NFU, the arms control and disarma-  the withdrawal of nuclear protection   China will consider it a sign of weak-  for the Prohibition of the Use in War
        ment group favor adopting the NFU,   umbrella or extended deterrence.  ness of the US. In such a situation it   of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other
        and some contend and predict a mid-   Some opponents maintain that   is believed that instead of reciprocat-  Gases, and of Bacteriological Meth-
        dle path in the form of either funda-  the NFU is disturbing the allies but   ing, China will be emboldened. The   ods of Warfare, popularly known as
        mental purpose or existential threats   American adversaries may yet not   basic  argument  is  that  the  removal   the 1925 Geneva Protocol. The allies
        instead of NFU. In fact, inclusion of   find  the  posture  credible.  Some  of   of strategic ambiguity through NFU   of US may feel less threatened if a
        nuclear deterrence as the ‘sole pur-  the allies apprehend large-scale con-  will dismantle American nuclear de-  universal protocol exists. As for the
        pose’ of nuclear weapons has been   ventional strike, which they feel may   terrence.                 use of nuclear weapons against an
        an old issue. Earlier the phrase ‘sole   be  deterred  only by ambiguity  re-  Proponents  of  NFU  argue  that   advanced conventional weapon or
        purpose’ was considered the middle   garding the use of nuclear weapons.   by embracing it, the US will steer   chemical or biological attack, it is a
        path and it became quite intense in   This will lead to a lose-lose situation   the world to a low risk, if not ‘no   remote possibility. It would be better
        the run up to 2010 NPR. The Obama   for the US. The reports indicate that   risk’ zone. It may reduce the chance   if US allies and opponents of NFU
        Administration somehow found an   the US allies expect some kind of   of miscalculation and wrong signal-  realize this soon.
        innovative way to skirt the issue.  pre-emptive nuclear strike from the   ing.  NFU  is  also  considered  an  ef-
            The much talked about Financial   US, which will not happen if the US   fective tool to constrain a President   Rajiv Nayan is Senior Research
        Times report informed that the US   adopts NFU.  The US nuclear weap-  like Trump in the future. Democrats   Associate at the Manohar Parrikar
        allies had objected to the adoption of   ons policy to deter large-scale con-  and a section of the Republican Par-  Institute for Defense Studies and
        NFU. The report named some of the   ventional and biological and chemi-  ty dread a future scenario in which   Analyses, New Delhi
        allies who opposed the NFU. These   cal attacks to reassure its allies and   a President like Trump has nuclear   Views expressed are of the author and
        were:  Australia,  Germany,  France,   partners does not mean the pre-emp-  briefcase and button.      do not necessarily reflect the views of
        the UK and Japan. The basic conten-  tive nuclear strike.               It is assumed that the US NFU   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        tion of the allies apparently was that   Some argue that China is fast in-  policy will set an example for the   Government of India.
        the change of the posture may “un-  creasing its nuclear arsenals (about   world, and others may also be forced
        dermine long-established deterrence   1,000 by 2030) as the 2021 Penta-  to imitate. The world will not have   This is the abridged version of the
        strategies aimed at Russia and Chi-  gon report notes, and the US, un-  to encounter the danger of escala-  article which appeared first in the
        na”. There is a fear that the adoption   der START treaty, is limiting its de-  tion to a level of nuclear exchange.   Comment section of the website (www.
        of  NFU  may  lead  to  nuclearization   ployable nuclear warheads to 1,500,   The common refrain is that despite of Manohar Parrikar Institute
        by the US allies such as Japan and   which could lead to a difficult securi-  tall claims of its adversaries, the US   for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
        South Korea. Undoubtedly, this fear   ty situation. The argument goes that   has conventional  superiority. It  can   Delhi on December 28, 2021

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