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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                              JANUARY 07, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 30

                 chicago’s best Bollywood dance academy

        launches their sensational annual winter recital

        CHICAGO IL

               n Sunday, December 19th,
               the most popular Bollywood
        Odance school in the entire
        Chicagoland area, S R Dance Acad-
        emy,  held  their  first  ever  Annual
        Winter Recital at the prestigious
        Hemmens Cultural Center. Rita and
        Anshika Singh launched the academy
        at the start of the pandemic as a way
        for both kids and adults to get active
        while needing to stay indoors.                                      meet in person to practice the dances,   beat tempos to soft melodies. Seeing
            Rita Singh is an incredibly cre-                                the S R team thought it would be an   the immense happiness in their eyes
        ative entrepreneur, investor, and                                   extraordinary experience for the stu-  as they stood up on that grand stage
        community leader based in Chicago.                                  dents to perform and showcase what   was simply heartwarming.
        Her brand, S R, houses a variety of                                 they’ve been learning on a live stage.   The colorful LED backdrop,
        her own companies  that  fall  under   studio locations all over the Chicago-  After weeks of strategic planning, cos-  bright lights, and talented dancers
        the domains of IT staffing, real estate,   land area. Students are taught dance   tume fittings, multiple dress rehears-  caused the crowd to go wild in excite-
        and entertainment. Her daughter,   classes in Naperville, Bartlett, Scha-  als, and more, the team was able to   ment. It was truly a wonderful expe-
        Anshika Singh is a technology consul-  umburg, Riverwoods, and Libertyville   put on a sensational recital to an au-  rience and overall, a very successful
        tant at a Fortune 500 company. She is   by two phenomenal celebrity Bolly-  dience of over 350 people. The event   recital. Parents were mesmerized
        also a Purdue graduate, former Fem-  wood choreographers, Elizar and Shir-  was emceed by Richa Chand along   with the amazing dance performanc-
        ina  Miss  India  finalist,  and  talented   ley Rodrigues, who have been work-  with Rita Singh and Anshika Singh.   es done by their own kids. Definitely,
        dancer. All their classes were initial-  ing in Bollywood for the past 20 years.   There were 23 different perfor-  it is a challenging task for the parents
        ly taught virtually over Zoom for the   They have worked side by side with   mances at the recital this past Sunday.   to ensure the safety of their children
        first 12 months to ensure the safety of   iconic superstars such as Hrithik Ro-  Students from all 5 locations and age   as they join in person dance lessons
        all students. As quarantine was lifted   sha, Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra,   groups 4-7, 8-11, 12-21, and adults   and perform in public. S R Dance
        throughout 2021, the students slowly   Katrina Kaif, and many more. They   had the opportunity to perform the   Academy takes extra precautions to
        moved to dancing in studios, while   have even performed at highly exclu-  dances they had been learning and   follow  the  pandemic  guidelines  to
        taking the safety precautions of social   sive events, such as The IIFA Awards.   practicing for several months. The   ensure  the  health  and  safety  of  all
        distancing and wearing masks.         Since the choreographers and   students danced to many popular   students and their parents.
            Now, S R Dance Academy has 5   students were fortunately able to   Bollywood songs, varying from up-  --Asian Media USA

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