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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 22

                                                          IN MEMORY

                  Dr Sunil Pandya, the Shining Sun

         Who Filled the Empty Void and Barren

                              Minds, Sets in for Eternity

         Community leaders remember the neurosurgeon as a teacher, mentor, confidante and a role model

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
               r Sunil Pandya, was not just
               a teacher but a guiding light,
        Da beacon of knowledge and a
        true leader to be followed for leading
        an accomplished life.
            With deep grief and tears in the
        eyes,  the  shocking news  of passing
        away of Dr Pandya has left all his
        family  and  friends  in anguish  and
            “Today, is one of the saddest
        days of my life and also for everyone
        whose life Dr Pandya had touched,”
        said Dr. Raj Bhayani.
            Recalling Dr. Pandya’s contribu-
        tion, Dr. Bhayani said, “I still remem-
        ber the first day, I visited the depart-
        ment of Neurosurgery with mixed
        feelings of anxiety, overwhelmed and
        unsure. When I gave Dr. Pandya the
        paper of residency assignment, he
        got up from the chair and smiled and
        congratulated me for joining the de-
        partment.” Dr. Bhayani was literally   support and encouragement without   what I was going through,” said Dr.   make it a point to celebrate the life
        in awe with his towering personality   an iota of doubt and judgment. He   Bhayani.                   Dr. Pandya lived and the impact he
        in white dress that comforted and   was a true believer in the ability of   Dr. Pandya calmed him down   made. Let us carry his spirit of em-
        made  everyone  feel  welcome  with   people to achieve greatness, and that   and assured him of his support and   pathy, ethics, curiosity, kindness, and
        his genuine smile and infectious en-  belief propelled many forwards.   continued the backing for three   dedication in our hearts, and strive
        thusiasm.                             Remembering  Dr.  Pandya,  Dr.   years which was life changing for Dr.   to be the kind of people Dr. Pandya
            The epic sessions of radiology   Bhayani put his own emotions out   Bhayani.                      believed we could be.
        reading by Dr. Pandya always had a   and said, “When I joined the depart-  Dr Pandya was more than just   Let Dr. Pandya rest in peace as
        knack for breaking down complex   ment, I was a timid man, not so con-  a teacher; he was a mentor, a confi-  we convey our heartfelt thanks for
        concepts into understandable pieces,   fident and unsure of what I want to   dante, and a role model. His legacy   believing in us, even when many of
        making learning not just accessible,   do in my life. By the time, I finished   lives on in the countless students he   us didn’t believe in ourselves. His
        but exciting for all. Not just Neuro-  three years with Dr Pandya, Dr Nag-  has inspired to pursue their passions,   valuable life lessons will always guide
        surgery and academics, Dr. Pandya   pal and Dr Karapurkar, I was com-  to embrace challenges, and to make   us as he stays in our heart forever
        had taught many life lessons to many   pletely transformed by them with   a positive difference in the world.  even after leaving for the heavenly
        who  were  blessed  to  have  received   clarity,  confidence  and  conviction   “These thoughts of gratitude   abode,” he added.
        his guidance.                     about any challenges in my life.” He   and respect, I could never express to   Countless people and the neu-
            Dr. Pandya did not just teach   even  clarified  further  that  in  Initial   him directly out of tremendous re-  rosurgeons, in particular, whose life
        but  he  encouraged  everybody to   days, as much as we respected him,   spect for him. As in front of him, I   Dr. Pandya touched and changed
        question, to think critically, and to   we used to be very afraid of him.   often became speechless and short of   need to ensure that we continue to
        never be afraid to voice their opin-  “When I went through some     words. I now sincerely wish I should   honor his legacy and aim to estab-
        ions. Whenever each one of his ac-  emotional crisis in my personal life,   have done that when I had a chance,”   lish an endowment chair in his name
        quaintances stumbled, Dr. Pandya   I had no idea how to deal with it. I   said an overwhelmed Dr. Bhayani.   at King Edward Memorial (KEM)
        was there to lift them up, offering   gathered my courage and told him   “As we all mourn this great loss,   Hospital.

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