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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 03, 2025 | The Indian Eye 24
Dr. Sampat Kumar Shivangi’s Dream
Comes True with Inauguration of Cancer
Hospital in His Home District in Karnataka
OUR BUREAU his decision to donate his money, time, efforts and soft-spoken physician says, “The Charitable Foun-
skills. dation was set up several years ago to establish,
New York, NY
“During my years in hospitals as a student, promote, and provide the needy and the down-
onorable President of India, Droupadi resident and staff, I was devastated. I had a great trodden fellow human beings with opportunities
Murmu has accepted the invitation and desire to do something that helps people, including to access quality education, promote mental health
Hwill inaugurate the newly built Dr. Sampat for the need to establish a cancer hospital in my na- awareness, ensure healthcare equity, support
Kumar S. Shivangi Cancer Hospital on December tive town, where people have to travel hundreds of tribal communities in their holistic development,
30th, 2024 in Belagavi, Karnataka,” Dr. Sampat miles away for such a treatment and possibly could empower women to break barriers, and leverage
Shivangi, who has donated his family fortunes to not afford the travel, stay, or medical expenses.” sports as a catalyst for positive change.”
build this much needed, state of the art hospital in It took him lots of reflection, planning, and At the heart of societal transformation, the
a rural region in the state of Karnataka, announced working with multiple groups before this noble Dr. Sampat Shivangi Foundation stands as a testa-
here today. project conceived in his heart several years ago, has ment to unwavering commitment and compassion.
Dr. Sampat Shivangi is a distinguished Indian now come to fulfillment. “Believe me, I went to my The foundation is built upon the pillars of educa-
American physician, philanthropist, and commu- hometown in Karnataka to set up a Cancer Hos- tion, healthcare, mental well-being, tribal support,
nity leader with a profound impact on healthcare, pital. I had even formed a committee and raised women’s empowerment, and sports development.
education, and cultural preservation across India funds. Made several trips to India and struggled With a profound understanding of the multifacet-
and the United States. to do something good, but returned home emp- ed needs of underprivileged communities, we have
In addition to establishing the Dr. Sampat ty-handed.” designed a range of initiatives that address these
Kumar S. Shivangi Cancer Hospital in Karnataka, His efforts and love to give back to his mother- vital aspects of human well-being.
through the Dr. Sampat Shivangi Foundation, Dr. land came to fruition when he saw “an opportunity As the first Indian American to serve on the
Shivangi has established multiple charitable in- in my district to establish a world-class facility. I did Board of the Mississippi State Department of
stitutions in India, including primary and middle not want to let it go. After several trips to India and Mental Health, Dr. Shivangi has made significant
schools, community halls, and healthcare facilities, collaborating with the local authorities, I am excit- strides in mental health advocacy. His leadership
greatly enhancing educational and healthcare ac- ed that Dr. Sampat Kumar S Shivanagi Cancer extends to national positions, serving on the Na-
cess for underserved communities. Hospital has become a reality. What an honor, the tional Board of Directors for the Substance Abuse
In the U.S., Dr. Shivangi has contributed to President of India will be inaugurating my dream and Mental Health Services Administration (SAM-
establishing a Hindu temple in Jackson, Mississip- facility, a most memorable and modern hospital in HSA), appointed by Presidents Donald Trump and
pi, providing a cultural and spiritual hub for the Belgaum, my home district and at the medical col- Joe Biden.
Hindu community and beyond. Recognized for his lege, where I was an Assistant Professor.” A dedicated advocate for Indo-U.S. relations,
exemplary service, a street in Mississippi bears his Over the years, in the pursuit of its vision, the Dr. Shivangi has contributed to key initiatives, in-
name, a testament to his contributions to health- Dr. Sampat Shivangi Foundation has come to be cluding the Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear Agreement,
care and community welfare. known for its belief and tireless efforts that every collaborating with President George W. Bush to
“Having lived in India for three decades, in not individual deserves an opportunity to thrive, and is strengthen ties between the two nations. His com-
so privileged and progressive parts of the world, it a beacon of hope, fostering resilience and building mitment to India is further reflected in his coordi-
always touched my heart and Atma why so and why a more inclusive and harmonious world for all. nation efforts with the White House to lift sanc-
not we all have equal playing field on earth,’ Dr. Describing the goals of the Cancer Hospital tions against India during President Bill Clinton’s
Shivangi says, when asked about what led him to and the Charitable Foundation, Dr. Shivangi, a administration.