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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 28

                         NEWSMAKERS OF THE WEEK

                   Selected stories about Indian diaspora from our website

                              BHARAT BISWAL                                                    CAITLIN SANDRA NEIL
         Researcher wins 2024 Excellence                                            Chennai-born is crowned

                          Award by NJIT                                                 Miss India USA 2024

               ew Jersey Institute of Technology, NJIT has announced the name of   hennai-born Caitlin Sandra Neil was crowned Miss India USA 2024
               Bharat Biswal as this year’s winner of NJIT’s Excellence in Research   during the prestigious annual pageant held in New Jersey on Decem-
        Naward. Bharat Biswal, a pioneer in the field of neural imaging who de- Cber 17. The event, which gathered a diverse group of contestants from
        veloped a technique that sheds new light on brain-related diseases and injuries.  across the United States, showcased the rich tapestry of Indian-American cul-
            Biswal thanked the selection  committee  and senior administration  at   ture while promoting values of empowerment and community service.
        NJIT for choosing him for the award. He added, “But I’m particularly grateful   At just 19 years old, Caitlin is not only a student at the University of Cal-
        to all the undergraduate researchers who, in spite of their very busy schedules,   ifornia, Davis, but also a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment
        still make time to do research and contribute very meaningful work, and to the   and literacy initiatives. With her roots firmly planted in Chennai, Caitlin
        graduate students, postdocs and colleagues who helped me in this research.”  moved to the U.S. at the age of five. Her journey has been marked by a com-
            Biswal joined NJIT in 2012 as a tenured full professor and was promoted   mitment to balancing her academic pursuits with her aspirations in model-
        to distinguished professor in 2016. That same year, he was elected a fellow   ing and acting.
        of the  American  Institute  of  Medical  and  Biological  Engineering.  He  has
        received continuous extramural funding since joining NJIT of more than $8  The Miss India USA pageant is renowned for celebrating the
        million and has more than 48,000 citations, while his most-referenced paper   achievements of Indian-American women while promoting cultur-
        received 10,548 citations.
            Atam Dhawan, NJIT’s senior vice provost for research, said Biswal “ex-  al pride. This year’s competition featured 47 contestants from
        emplifies the qualities of a leader as a visionary in neuroscience.” Biswal’s   25 states, each bringing their unique stories and talents to the
        research in the field of brain imaging have catalyzed a paradigm shift in the
        understanding of the resting human brain and its networks, fundamentally al-  stage. The event was a vibrant display of fashion, poise, and in-
        tering how scientists and clinicians approach the study and treatment of neu-  telligence, with contestants competing in various categories in-
        rological and psychiatric conditions.
            In the early 1990s, “It was perceived as a crazy idea in neuroscience, which  cluding Miss India USA, Mrs. India USA, and Miss Teen India USA.
        was focused on task and response,” recalled Biswal, then a graduate student
        at Wisconsin Medical Center and now a distinguished professor of biomed-  Caitlin’s victory was not without its challenges. Throughout the competi-
        ical engineering. “As an engineer, I wanted to understand the entire system   tion, she demonstrated exceptional grace under pressure, impressing judges
        of neural networks — and their connections — at baseline conditions. With   with her confidence and eloquence during the interview segment. Her plat-
        one scan, we could observe activity in the motor, visual and speech regions,   form focuses on empowering young women through education and mentor-
        for example.”                                                       ship programs aimed at enhancing literacy rates among underprivileged com-
            Thirty years later, what is known as resting-state brain connectivity is the   munities.
        primary vehicle for examining brain connections in infants, very young, elder-  Nirali Desai of Illinois was named first runner-up in the Miss India USA
        ly and neurologically impaired people who can’t perform tasks on command.   category, while Manini Patel from New Jersey secured the second runner-up
        It is one of three required approaches in the National Institutes of Health’s   position. As Caitlin prepares for her reign as Miss India USA 2024, she is
        Human Connectome Project.                                           excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. She plans to engage with com-
            Biswal, director of NJIT’s Center for Brain Imaging, is now using it to   munities across the country through workshops and events that focus on edu-
        compare neural signaling in people with Alzheimer’s disease with those aging   cation and empowerment.
        normally.                                                                                                    Continued on next page... >>

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