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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 26


           Hope for Tomorrow – A Fundraiser for The Eye

              Foundation of America Planned in New Delhi

        AJAY GHOSH

           n response to this noble call, Grant Thornton,
           The Rotary Club District - 311 (Delhi) in col-
        Ilaboration with the Young Rotarians, who are
        truly committed, and the Gautami Institute have
        joined hands with the Eye Foundation of Ameri-
        ca to organize a major Fundraiser with the theme,
        “Hope for Tomorrow” at the prestigious India Hab-
        itat Centre, New Delhi on Friday, January 31, 2025.
            “Every child deserves to see the world with
        clarity and purpose. Let’s join hands to eradicate
        childhood blindness and unlock a brighter future
        for generations to come,” says Dr. Vadrevu K.
        Raju, a world-renowned ophthalmologist, philan-
        thropist, and the founder of the Eye Foundation of
        America (EFA).
            Among the many initiatives Dr. Raju has un-
        dertaken, the upcoming Fundraiser in New Delhi
        is a pan-India Roll Out Program with the objective
        of raising $500,000, which will be matched by the
        Eye Foundation of America. The funds raised will
        be utilized towards establishing 100 ROP screen-
        ing centers across India; Training 500 healthcare
        professionals in ROP screening and treatment;
        and, Treating 10,000 ROP-affected babies annual-  vacation to combat avoidable blindness among
        ly across India.                             Indians, especially children.   He founded “Eye
            Lord Rami Ranger, a well-known philanthro-  Foundation of America” in 1979, which is active
        pist, and successful businessman from the Unit-  in India and 31 other developing countries across
        ed Kingdom, who will be the Chief Guest at the   the globe.
        Fundraiser, while echoing the mission of EFA says,   A Faculty of the Department of Ophthalmolo-
        “Childhood blindness is a solvable problem, but it   gy at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Raju believes
        requires our collective action.” According to Lord   that Retinopathy can cause blindness; however,
        Ranger, a Board Member of the Eye Foundation   early detection and treatment can prevent blind-
        of America and Eye Foundation of UK, who has   ness in up to 90% of cases. The EFA is now a global
        been honoured by Her Majesty the Queen on    organization, whose noble initiatives have resulted
        Eight occasions for his Business leadership in and   in screening and treating a total of over 3.5+ mil-
        for community services, “Together, we can ensure   lion people in addition to one million school chil-
        that every child has access to quality eye care and a   dren, and the mission continues to impact many
        chance to reach their full potential.”       more every day around the world. EFA has per-
            Dr. Raju, a physician with a noble vision, who   formed hundreds of thousands of surgeries, and
        has dedicated his entire life to helping make “the   trained hundreds of eye care professionals to join
        world where every child can see, learn, and thrive   in the global fight against preventable blindness.  This is accomplished through eye camps and
        without the shadows of blindness,” while referring   Born in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, In-  brick-and-mortar hospitals in developing coun-
        to scientific studies says, “Retinopathy of Prema-  dia, Dr. V.K. Raju is a Clinical Professor of Oph-  tries, training of medical personnel to serve the
        turity (ROP) affects 200,000 premature babies in   thalmology at West Virginia University, Fellow   needy, and educating the population at large on
        India annually, leading to irreversible blindness.”   of the Royal College of Surgeons, Fellow of the   preventative eye care and healthy lifestyle choices.
            According to the South Indian Journal of   American College of Surgeons, Director of the   With adequate education, patients are empowered
        Ophthalmology, of the 3.5 million premature ba-  International Ocular Surface Society, Director   to take charge of their lives and their own health
        bies born in India, nearly one in six (600,000) ba-  of the Ocular Surface Research and Education   and prevent further deleterious consequences
        bies are born less than 32 weeks gestational age.   Foundation, Chairman of Goutami Eye Institute   of their poor lifestyle choices, while sharing this
        Estimating that 40% of them receive neonatal care   in Rajahmundry and is the President and Founder   knowledge with their friends and families.
        and 80% of them survive, over 200,000 chilkdren   of the Eye Foundation of America, a non-profit or-  The public is educated on eye care and injury
        are at risk for developing Retinopathy of Prema-  ganization dedicated to realizing a world without   prevention, and local teachers are taught how to
        turity.                                      childhood blindness. Dr. Raju earned his medical   screen for early eye problems in children. Patients,
            Dr. Raju, who has lived in England and the   degree from Andhra University and completed   their families, and the greater community benefit
        USA longer than in India, has visited India more   an ophthalmology residency and fellowship at the   from preventative medical care, free procedures,
        than 140 times since 1977. Each visit is a working   Royal Eye Group of Hospitals in London.   and access to education.

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