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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 03, 2025 | The Indian Eye 32
strengthen the connection between
the Asian American community and
New York State. The ceremony was
graciously hosted by Queens College
and its President, Frank H Wu.
Neeta Bhasin, the founder of Di-
wali at Times Square and Sammaan
for All, has been appointed to the
New York State Asian American and
Pacific Islander (AAPI) Commission.
The Commission aims to enhance
the economic and social well-being of
AAPI communities and address their
health and educational needs.
The Commission’s role includes
making policy recommendations,
coordinating programs, implement-
ing public education campaigns, and Office of Science and Technology Policy.”
raising awareness about state and local resources for AAPI individuals. Joshipura described further, “For several years, Sriram has been an in-
This Commission was established due to the unprecedented growth of the sightful thinker and influential commentator in the artificial intelligence
Asian American population and the unique challenges they face, including realm. His previous work blending public policy, international affairs, invest-
increased hate crimes. ing and technology will stand him in good stead as he serves the nation in this
NYS Assemblywoman, Jenifer Rajkumar, the first Indian American leg- important role.”
islator, introduced the AAPI Commission Bill, that was passed unanimously Trump announced that working closely with David Sacks, Sriram will fo-
by the legislators in the Capitol. cus on ensuring continued American leadership in AI and help shape and co-
On February 7th, 2024, NYS Governor Kathy Hochul signed the bill and ordinate AI policy across government, including working with the President’s
joined more than 12 states with similar commissions and the White House. Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. Sriram started his career at
New York State Governor Kathleen Hochul, who could not join in person, Microsoft as a founding member of Windows Azure.
shared her message. “Welcome to the first-ever meeting of the NYS Asian
American and Pacific Islanders Commission. We established this Commission To read more about Indian diaspora and Global Indians, log on to and follow
because your voices are essential to our state’s future, and we are always look- our website
ing to gain a deeper understanding of one another. We invested $35 million to
protect Asian American New Yorkers from Hate Crime and set $30 Million to
local AAPI organizations to serve their communities”.
NY State Senator Jeremy Cooney, raised in the orphanage home in Cal-
cutta, India, said, “The Asian Americans’ voice is growing, but it needs to be
heard. We have to let our communities know that we are listening, that we
care, and that there are great challenges and opportunities for New Yorkers
coming to this country from all parts of this world.”
Neeta came to NY with her parents 47 years ago. She always wanted to
showcase the vibrant South Asian Culture, Art, Heritage, and Diversity to
mainstream America and invoke a sense of pride among the newer genera-
tions of the South Asian community.
Trump names Senior
White House Policy Advisor on AI
n Sunday, Donald Trump, the President-elect of the United States, ap-
pointed Sriram Krishnan, an Indian-American entrepreneur, venture
Ocapitalist, and author, to serve as Senior White House Policy Advisor
on Artificial Intelligence.
Krishnan, who has led product teams at Microsoft, Twitter, Yahoo, Face-
book, and Snap in the past, will collaborate with David O Sacks, who is ap-
pointed as the White House AI & Crypto Czar.
“Sriram Krishnan will serve as the Senior Policy Advisor for Artificial
Intelligence at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,”
Trump stated on Sunday while revealing several appointments related to arti-
ficial intelligence, or AI.
“I’m honoured to be able to serve our country and ensure continued Amer-
ican leadership in AI working closely with David Sacks,” said Krishnan. Krish-
nan’s appointment has been welcomed by the Indian-American community.
Indiaspora’s executive director Sanjeev Joshipura said, “We heartily con-
gratulate Sriram Krishnan and are delighted that he has been appointed by
President-elect Donald Trump as Senior Policy Advisor in the White House