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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 03, 2025 | The Indian Eye 20
School and College Going Students Enlightened
at GOPIO-CT’s ‘College and Beyond’ Event
New York, NY
he Global Organization of
People of Indian Origin - Con-
Tnecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT)
hosted a highly engaging and insight-
ful event designed to empower high
school students as they navigate the
critical transitions to college and pro-
fessional life. The event, held on Tues,
Dec 24th at Hamilton Inn and Suites,
Stamford. It featured an impressive
panel of speakers, including college
students, recent graduates, early-ca-
reer professionals, and a distinguished SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE professor on the panel provided a ham. After the panel discussion, Dr.
professor, who shared their real-world EVENT WERE AS FOLLOWS: comprehensive overview of how Abraham briefly spoke on GOPIO
experiences and actionable advice. students can make the most of their International and the roles the various
The program aimed to demystify • Dynamic Panel Discussions: Each college experience, emphasizing the chapters are playing in community ser-
the college application process, shed panelist brought unique perspec- importance of skills, purpose, and vice and activities of wider interest to
light on the realities of college life, tives and expertise, creating a rich lifelong learning. the local society.
and offer valuable strategies for ac- tapestry of advice tailored to stu- KEY TAKEAWAYS FOR ATTENDEES: The Global Organization of Peo-
ademic and personal success. It also dents at different stages of their ple of Indian Origin (GOPIO) is a
provided insights into the transition educational journeys. Topics ranged • Start Early: Begin college appli- non-profit organization dedicated
from college to the professional world, from crafting compelling college ap- cations and research well in ad- to promoting the well-being and ad-
equipping attendees with practical tips plications to managing priorities in vance to identify institutions and vancement of people of Indian origin
to build a strong foundation for their college and establishing a successful programs that align with per- worldwide. Over the last 18 years,
future careers. professional path. sonal goals. Choose Early Deci- GOPIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO
The panel was moderated by Nan- • Interactive Q&A Sessions: Attend- sion & Early Action when clear International has become an active
du Kuppuswamy, Head of Investor ees had the opportunity to engage about the choice of schools. and dynamic organization hosting in-
Relations, MCR Investors. The panel- directly with the panelists, asking • Prioritize Self-Discovery: Use college teractive sessions with policy makers
ists were: Sraavani Akarapu – UPenn questions about challenges and op- as a time to explore interests, build and academicians, community events,
Graduate, Megha Gupta - Alum Pur- portunities in higher education and skills, and develop a growth mindset. youth mentoring and networking
due University, Dhruv Hill - Freshman, beyond. This fostered a lively and • Focus on Balance: Manage academ- workshops, and working with other
San Diego State University, Arnav interactive exchange of ideas. ics, extracurricular activities, social area organizations to help create a
Jhangiani - Junior, Finance Major, • Real-World Insights: College stu- connections, and time effectively to better future.
Arizona State University, Himani dents discussed balancing academ- create a holistic and fulfilling college GOPIO-CT serves as a non-par-
Narayan, Junior, Pace University, Am- ics with extracurricular activities experience. tisan, secular, civic and community
rutha Nandakumar - 1st Year, Oxford and building meaningful connec- • Prepare for Professional Life: Gain service organization – promoting
University, Brian Thomas - Sophomore tions on campus. Recent graduates real-world experience through in- awareness of Indian culture, customs
at NYU Stern School of Business, Cur- highlighted strategies for adapting ternships, mentorship, alumni net- and contributions of people of Indian
ren Iyer - Senior Product Operations to new environments, while ear- work, and active participation in origin through community programs,
Manager, Ramp (Harvard and HBS ly professionals shared advice on industry-related activities. forums, events and youth activities. It
alum) and Cecil Nazareth, Faculty at leveraging internships and net- The event was graced by GOPIO seeks to strengthen partnerships and
Fordham University Business School, working to launch their careers. officials including GOPIO Interna- create an ongoing dialogue with local
CPA, Author, Motivational Speaker • Expert Academic Guidance: The tional Chairman Dr. Thomas Abra- communities.