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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 18

                   ‘I decided to dedicate my life for

            spreading goodness’: Ravi Sharma’s

             ‘mantras of success’ speech at TISS

                                    convocation goes viral

           Ravi Sharma leads the IIT Alumni Council as its President, with a network of over 50,000

         IITians across the globe and is Chairman of Telecom Equipment Manufacturing Association

        OUR BUREAU
              highly motivating speech by
              Ravi Sharma, who was chief
              guest at the recently-held
        84th convocation at Tata Institute
        of Social Sciences (TISS), has gone
        viral on social media, with many
        commentators on YouTube posting
        it with their comments, while asking
        their followers to listen to the “must-
        watch video”.
            Sharma, Chairperson of Telecom
        Equipment Manufacturers Associa-
        tion of India, delivered an inspiring
        address as he shared his mantras of
        success with the students and their
        parents  present  at  the  event.  An
        accomplished CEO, Sharma is now
        a mentor and philanthropist with a
        mission of “Spreading Goodness” by
        supporting initiatives towards Sus-
        tainable Society, inclusive Education
        and Spirituality.                 ed to be a really rich person.    running.”                         success by deciding to change his life
            At TISS, he began his speech by   At 45 years of age with a glorious   He described an Indian paradox,   with actions that supports and re-
        expressing his gratitude to the insti-  career, he began to question himself,   where every Indian is in a hurry but   wards goodness—a unique trait that
        tute  he  owes  his  success  to.  “I  was   “What am I doing? And why am I   no one is on time. “Can you see the   defines him. A distinguished Alumni
        fortunate to have more Educators   doing so?” Elaborating good work   loss of direction? As India was ruled   of IIT Roorkee and one of the young-
        than Teachers as I got admission in   and  what  is  a  big  job,  he  defined,   by outsiders, Indians only think in   est CEOs of Telecom MNC in India,
        IIT Roorkee,” said Sharma in his   “What  you  do  selflessly  for  others,   terms of having lost time and wants   Ravi served for 13 years as CEO for
        opening remarks. Having reached   is truly a big job. And I decided to   to make up for it and made their life   globally ranked largest Telecom and
        pinnacle  of  corporate  success,  he   be a bigger person and left the job.   activity oriented not purpose driven.   Power companies. A transformation-
        explained the rationale of quitting   Remember, that life is not a 100 m   As China, a closed country, opened   al leader with out-of-box approach,
        at the age of 50, “I realized the im-  race, it’s a marathon. Even if you see   up, Chinese mentality was to focus   he is known for performance culture
        portance of sharing and increasing   people crossing you in a race, do not   on lost opportunities. So, Chinese   and growth.
        the fortune of others. As we all are   worry.                       plan well and capture  the  opportu-  At the peak of his career at the
        product of our definitions, exposure   Silence waited  for  350  CXOs   nity.”                        age  of  50,  Ravi  left  the  corporate
        and ability to learn, three key aspects   at an award function, when he was   Ravi outlined his philosophy   world to dedicate to philanthropy.
        of life - more awareness brings out   asked,  “How  many  would  like  to   citing success or failure of startups,   He established “Mission Chetna,”
        life changing perspectives.”      work in companies which does not   “Whatever you try, you may succeed   that created and nurtured 70 NGOs
            Recalling, similar incidents of   have Vision and Mission? How many   or fail, but whatever you truly decide   across India with over 10 million
        giving same amount of alms, Rs. 100   of you have written your Vision and   will happen. As your mind stops wa-  beneficiaries  in  11  states  of  India.
        to a beggar, three years apart in his   Mission of Life?” He then advised   vering and stays focused, it is a big   He founded the Prama Jyoti Foun-
        early career with more than triple   all graduating students, “If there is   differentiator.”         dation, transforming schools in the
        salary made him wonder, “Am I get-  a destination, you have chances to   He made his modest and rural   hinterland of India. Ravi established
        ting richer or poorer?” So, he decid-  reach there and if not, you will keep   background into a corner stone of   Continued on next page... >>

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