Page 14 - The Indian EYE 010325
P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                              JANUARY 03, 2025

        NYC Mayor Adams Celebrates Opening

                 of Deeply Affordable Housing Site

              More Homeless New Yorkers Connected to Subsidized Permanent Housing

                                                Than Any Year in Recent History

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            signature “Ready, Willing, and Able”
                                                                                                              program has helped countless New
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              Yorkers break the cycle of home-
               ew York City Mayor Eric                                                                        lessness,  with  a  specific  focus  on
              Adams and New York City                                                                         providing employment supports for
        NDepartment of Social Ser-                                                                            justice-involved individuals and New
        vices (DSS) Commissioner Molly                                                                        Yorkers struggling with substance
        Wasow Park this week celebrated                                                                       use  challenges.  DSS  has  finalized
        the  opening  of  a  new  Affordable                                                                  or opened AHS sites with various
        Housing Services (AHS) site in                                                                        not-for-profit  providers,  including
        the Bronx, marking the creation of                                                                    Riseboro, the Fortune Society, Com-
        nearly 400 high-quality, deeply af-                                                                   munity Housing Innovation, VIP
        fordable homes for New Yorkers in                                                                     Community Services, and Services
        shelter through the ground-breaking                                                                   for the Underserved.
        AHS initiative in 2024. The opening                                                                      There are more than 9,000
        is the latest achievement in the Ad-                                                                  households holding CityFHEPS
        ams administration’s efforts to get                                                                   vouchers currently in the city’s shel-
        New Yorkers off of the streets, out                                                                   ter  system  that  are  unable  to  find
        of shelters,  and  into  permanent, af-                                                               housing due to the city’s severe hous-
        fordable homes. In Fiscal Year 2024  able New York City, and the open- ward to bringing those homes online   ing shortage. AHS created a newer,
        (FY24), DSS helped a record more   ing of these new homes shows how  and providing a brighter future for  much needed, and scalable pathway
        than 18,500 households move out of  quickly we can make change when  New Yorkers in need.”            out of shelter. Through the program,
        shelters and into stable homes — 24  we work together.”                 The 63-unit building is the latest  the city helps nonprofits purchase or
        percent more than the year before.   “A robust shelter system is neces-  site  to  open  as  part  of  the  Adams   enter long-term, building-wide leas-
        Further, a record number of New   sary for supporting New Yorkers in  administration’s push to fast-track  es to create deeply affordable hous-
        Yorkers  used  City Fighting  Home-  crisis, but it’s no substitute for per- the creation of nearly 900 deeply af- ing with 30-year contracts leveraging
        lessness  and Eviction  Prevention   manent housing and all the stability  fordable homes, which have already   social services dollars — locking in
        Supplement (CityFHEPS) vouchers   and opportunity that comes with a   been awarded as part of the AHS  long-term affordability with strong
        to obtain permanent housing or stay  proper home,” said DSS Commis-  pipeline. With nearly 400 units now  tenant protections for CityFHEPS
        in their homes.                   sioner Wasow Park. “We have been   open, DSS is working to expedite  voucher holders. Many of the pro-
           “A  home  is  more  than  just  a   laser-focused on expediting and   the opening of another 500 deeply  gram’s remaining apartments are
        place for a family to rest their heads   expanding pathways to housing for  affordable homes for  New Yorkers   scheduled to become available for
        at night — it’s the skeleton key to  New Yorkers in need, and the results   in the shelter system with rental as- lease through February 2025, which
        unlocking  the  American  Dream  of   speak for themselves: We’ve moved   sistance program CityFHEPS vouch- will mark the one-year anniversary
        stable, secure  housing and  a  path- a record number of households from   ers. DSS continues to develop the   of this innovative housing program
        way to the middle class. With today’s   shelter to permanent housing in  AHS pipeline, working with various   for CityFHEPS voucher holders in
        announcement, we are taking un- back-to-back  fiscal  years.  But  with   not-for-profit  providers  to  identify   shelter.
        housed New Yorkers from the streets   a citywide housing vacancy rate of  new, high-quality proposals as the   This announcement builds on
        and shelters and placing them into   just 1.4 percent, building on this in-  city looks to build on this year’s re- the Adams administration’s historic
        stable housing, bringing them one   credible progress requires innovative   cord-breaking  progress  connecting  efforts in combatting the city’s hous-
        step closer to turning that American  approaches to housing, and our Af- New Yorkers in shelter to permanent  ing crisis. Earlier this month, May-
        Dream into a reality,” said Mayor  fordable Housing Services initiative   subsidized housing.         or  Adams celebrated  the approval
        Adams. “With the opening of this   represents just that. Through this   The AHS site will be operated   of his administration’s “City of Yes
        new building, our administration is   initiative, DSS has created nearly 400   by  not-for-profit  human  services   for Housing Opportunity,” the most
        continuing to deliver on our promise   units of deeply affordable housing for  provider The Doe Fund, which has   pro-housing zoning proposal in New
        to quickly build high-quality, afford- New Yorkers in shelter, including this   four decades of experience help- York City history, which will enable
        able housing in parts of New York  amazing 63-unit project developed in   ing vulnerable New Yorkers facing  the creation of 80,000 new homes
        City where people need it the most.  partnership with The Doe Fund. We   compounding challenges and unique   over the next 15 years and invest $5
        Affordable housing remains the    have hundreds of additional units in   barriers to obtaining long-term   billion towards critical infrastructure
        foundation  of  a  safer, more  afford- our pipeline and very much look for- housing stability. The organization’s   updates and housing.

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