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P. 11

OPINION                                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 11

        tion in the Syrian Civil War came at
        a crucial moment, as the Syrian gov-
        ernment had lost control of almost
        80% of its territories.
            The Russian intervention helped
        stabilise the deteriorating situa-
        tion for the Assad regime. Through
        massive targeted airstrikes on forc-
        es opposing the Syrian government,
        including the ISIS, the Kremlin
        achieved its immediate goals of re-
        sisting a regime change and deliv-
        ering a significant blow to the ISIS.
        However, Russia’s goals in Syria far
        transcended these immediate goals
        as Kremlin looked for a more pro-
        active role in the world order and to
        reassert its role as a major power.
            By establishing itself as a major
        power broker in the region and by
        preventing the collapse of the Assad
        regime, Moscow had expressed its
        willingness to resist the universali-
        sation of the western liberal order
        through the use of colour revolu-
        tions, argued many Russian scholars.
            Now, with Assad’s regime gone,
        Moscow is looking towards a period
        of uncertainty as the new regime is
        still taking its shape. Moscow’s pri-
        mary goal, in this context, lies in se-      The good news for Russia is that the new Syrian regime, for now, has not demonstrated hostility against Russia,
        curing its naval and air bases—Tartus                    keeping the possibility of a Russian presence in Syria open (Agency file photo)
        Naval base, which gives Russia ac-
        cess to the Mediterranean, and the
        Khmeimim Air Base, established in   sia, too, has realised the new realities   regarding the resurgence of the ISIS   Russia, historically, has enjoyed
        2015—to ensure its continued pres-  and has begun engaging with the new   may prompt the new Syrian leader-  a good relationship with Syria and
        ence in the country.              leadership  to  protect  its  assets  and   ship to cooperate with Russia given   its people. There is no way it cannot
                                          interests in Syria. For some Russian   the  fact  that  Mosco  has  significant   build a new kind of relationship with
        The setback for Moscow, be-       analysts, the Syrian debacle is not a   experience of fighting against the Is-  the  upcoming  regime.  Sacrificing
                                          setback for Kremlin on the scale as   lamic state.                  some of its privileges during the As-
        cause of the Syrian debacle,  initially envisaged.                      Assad, in anyway, had become   sad regime should not be a non-start-
        however,  is not only  limited        Yes, Russia has lost a valuable   a burden on Kremlin given his stub-  er for Kremlin to engage with the
                                          ally in the Middle East, but Kremlin   born  attitude  towards  questions  of   new government of Syria.
        to these immediate strategic  can now direct its complete focus on   power sharing with the opposition   Aman Kumar is a Research Associate
        interests. Its consequences       the Ukraine campaign. Besides, Rus-  and on many occasions did not listen   at Indian Council of World Affairs, New
                                                                            to his Russian partners. He was pre-
                                          sia  still  has  significant  presence  in
        could impact Russia’s broad-      Libya, and Moscow has restructured   siding over a hollow state, mired by   Delhi. Views expressed are personal.
        er strategy in Middle East as     its Wagner operations in Africa.   economic dilapidations,  illegal drug   This article first appeared in the web
                                          Russia has significantly improved its   trade, corruption and, despair and   articles section of the website (www.icwa.
        well as Africa, particularly the  standing in Africa, which almost re-  apathy for his loyalists in the bureau-  in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        Sahel region. Russia’s capa-      mains independent of its presence in   cracy and the army.            New Delhi, on December 24, 2024
                                          Syria and even in Libya, where Rus-
        bility to support its allies and  sia  continues  to  enjoy  a  favourable
        clients, when Kremlin  is busy    position. As far as the status of the
                                          Russian bases are concerned, they
        with its own war in Ukraine, is  have not been entirely vacated and
        an issue that directly impacts    need to be tracked for future clarity.
                                              It is still too early to conclude
        the credibility of Russia as a  that Russia has lost its footing in
        security guarantor for these      Syria. Yes, the loss of the Assad re-
                                          gime is a geopolitical setback, but
        friendly regimes.                 the Kremlin seems ready to adapt to
                                          post-Assad realities in Syria. Its glob-
            The good news for Russia is that   al aspirations and the renewed Rus-
        the new Syrian regime, for now, has   sian engagement with the non-West-
        not demonstrated  hostility  against   ern world, in the aftermath of its war
        Russia, keeping the possibility of a   in Ukraine, gives Russia to stay en-
        Russian presence in Syria open. Rus-  gaged in Syria. Besides, the concerns

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