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NATION                                                              JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye                    8

        by seven runs to win their second T20                                                                 an cities witnessed a marginal fall of
        World Cup title. It was also the last                                                                 4% in 2024, with over 4.59 lakh units
        T20 match played by Kohli, Indian                                                                     being sold compared to over 4.76
        captain Rohit Sharma, and Ravindra                                                                    lakh units in 2023. India real estate
        Jadeja. The team received a massive                                                                   update: Housing sales in the top sev-
        welcome from fans in India at the                                                                     en Indian cities witnessed a marginal
        Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. More                                                                      fall of 4% in 2024, with over 4.59 lakh
        than 300,000 fans gathered at Marine                                                                  units  being  sold  compared  to  over
        Drive to celebrate the team’s victory.                                                                4.76 lakh units in 2023.

         THE AMBANIS HOST A GRAND                                                                             POLLUTION CHOKES NATIONAL
                   WEDDING                                                                                                CAPITAL
            The wedding of Anant Ambani,                                                                          A thick, toxic blanket of smog
        the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani,                                                                    engulfed Delhi in mid-November,
        and Radhika Merchant, the daughter                                                                    leaving residents gasping for breath.
        of Viren Merchant, chief executive                                                                    As visibility levels fell, hundreds of
        officer (CEO) of Encore Healthcare,                                                                   flights  were  diverted  or  cancelled,
        was the talk of the town. The event                                                                   disrupting  air  traffic.  Delhi,  which
        drew national and international at-         D Gukesh became the youngest world chess champion in December   grapples with woefully poor air qual-
        tention, with many Bollywood and                                                                      ity year after year, has earned the du-
        global celebrities, industrialists, and                                                               bious distinction of being the world’s
        personalities present. The extrava-  the seminar hall of R G Kar Medi-  separatist Hardeep Singh Nijjar.  most polluted city. Meanwhile, the
        gant celebration made headlines for   cal College and Hospital in Kolkata,                            Air  Quality  Index in  Lahore, Paki-
        its grandeur and opulence seeing per-  West Bengal. The incident ignited   D GUKESH BECOMES WORLD     stan, touched 1,900 — six times high-
        formances from Rihanna and Justin   protests across West Bengal, with      CHESS CHAMPION             er than the WHO’s limit. Pakistan
        Bieber. Media reports estimate the   doctors nationwide expressing sol-                               blamed India for the spike in air pol-
        cost of the wedding to range between   idarity with  the  junior  doctors in   Indian chess prodigy, 18-year-  lution
        $300 million to $1 billion.       Kolkata.  This  incident  once  again   old D Gukesh, made history after
                                          brought attention to the issue of sex-  beating China’s Ding Liren in the ti-  MODI LAUNCHES NEW
            WAYANAD LANDSLIDES            ual violence against women.       tle clash in Singapore and becoming          SCHEMES
           CLAIMS DOZENS OF LIVES                                           the youngest player to win the World   Complementing the efforts to
                                                                            Chess Championship. His remark-
            Tragedy struck Kerala as land-  INDO-CANADIAN TIES REACH A      able victory put India in the global   enhance educational opportunities,
                                                     NEW LOW
        slides in Wayanad claimed over 230                                  spotlight again, showcasing the coun-  the government has also launched
        lives. The landslide, triggered by a   The India-Canada diplomat-   try’s rising dominance in chess and   the PM Internship Scheme, aimed
        cloudburst, affected Meppadi, Mun-  ic row which started in September   inspiring a new generation of players.  at providing practical exposure and
        dakkai, and Chooralmala and result-  2023, continued to make headlines                                professional experience to students
        ed in the collapse of a nearby bridge   in 2024. The relations between the   HOUSING SALES SEE A MAR-  and recent graduates. Under this
        that was used  to enter Attamala  in   two countries hit a new low on Octo-    GINAL DIP              program,  participants  gain  intern-
        Mundakkai.  Heavy  monsoon  rains   ber 14, 2024 when India ordered the                               ships across various government
        caused widespread devastation, dis-  expulsion of six Canadian diplomats   Housing sales in the top seven   departments, public sector under-
        placing  thousands  and  highlighting   while also announcing its decision to   Indian  cities  witnessed a  marginal   takings, and partnered private insti-
        the growing risks of climate change   withdraw the Indian High Commis-  fall of 4% in 2024, with over 4.59 lakh   tutions. The Pradhan Mantri Schol-
        in vulnerable regions. The incident   sioner to Canada and “other target-  units  being  sold  compared  to  over   arship Scheme (PMSS) is another
        triggered national and international   ed diplomats,” citing security con-  4.76 lakh units in 2023, according to   commendable initiative aimed at
        support for the affected communities   cerns  after  Ottawa  identified  them   the data of ANAROCK, a real estate   undergraduate and postgraduate
        and renewed discussions on disaster   as “persons of interest” in its inves-  consultancy. India real estate update:   students enrolled in technical institu-
        preparedness.                     tigation into the killing of Khalistan   Housing sales in the top seven Indi-  tions approved by AICTE, UGC.
                                                                                                                  The scheme provides a monthly
           INDIA’S RECORD PERFOR-                                                                             scholarship of  ₹2,500  for  boys and
          MANCE AT PARIS OLYMPICS                                                                             ₹3,000 for girls. Depending on the
                                                                                                              course,  financial  aid  is  offered  for
            India shone at the 2024 Paris                                                                     a duration ranging from one to five
        Olympics, with remarkable achieve-                                                                    years. By alleviating financial limita-
        ments across  sports.  Manu Bhaker                                                                    tions, PMSS aims at ensuring that
        and Sarabjot Singh secured a bronze                                                                   students can focus on excellence in
        medal in the mixed 10-metre air pis-                                                                  academics and skill-building without
        tol team event, and Neeraj Chopra                                                                     economic barriers.
        added to the glory by winning a silver                                                                    While 2024 had its share of chal-
        medal in the men’s javelin throw.                                                                     lenges, the government’s initiatives
                                                                                                              signal  a  renewed  commitment  to
         CRIME AT MEDICAL COLLEGE                                                                             addressing  systemic  issues,  which,
               ROCKS KOLKATA                                                                                  the collective efforts of educators,
                                                                                                              policymakers, and students will de-
            The tragedy unfolded on August                                                                    termine how these initiatives trans-
        9, when a 31-year-old postgraduate          At the end of the year, the Indian capital turned into a toxic chamber  late into tangible outcomes for the
        medical trainee was found dead in                                                                     nation’s future.

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