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P. 4
BIG STORY JANUARY 03, 2025 | The Indian Eye 4
Apart from taking steps for high and inclusive economic growth, Manmohan Singh
showed his political skills as he went ahead with Indo-US nuclear deal despite strong
opposition. How would India remember his lasting legacy?
OUR BUREAU Singh showed steely determination
and took steps to devalue the rupee,
New Delhi
bring down taxes and encourage for-
ormer Prime Minister Dr Man- eign investment.
mohan Singh, who passed away The steps helped India tack-
Fon Thursday at the age of 92, le entrenched economic problems
was an acclaimed thinker, econo- and register high rates of growth
mist and scholar who ushered in a which paved the way for a booming
comprehensive policy of economic middle-class, crores of people com-
reforms and steered the country for ing out of poverty and Manmohan
10 years as the head of Congress-led Singh’s years as Finance Minister be-
UPA government during which India came turning point in the economic
witnessed a high growth rate. history of independent India.
He spent five years between 1991
Known for his diligence, ac- and 1996 as India’s Finance Minister
and his role in ushering in a compre-
cessibility and unassuming hensive policy of economic reforms
demeanor, Manmohan Singh’s is recognized worldwide. In the pop-
ular view of those years in India, that
academic credentials were period is inextricably associated with
burnished by his long years the persona of Dr. Singh.
In July 1991, Manmohan Singh
in government during which ended his budget speech with the
he served in various key de- words: “No power on earth can stop
an idea whose time has come. I sug-
cision-making positions. He gest to this august House that the
was also the Governor of the Manmohan Singh speaking at a rally during his days as prime minister (File photo) emergence of India as a major eco-
nomic power in the world happens
Reserve Bank of India. His to be one such idea.” This was the
government pushed for rights- between 1998 and 2004. His 33-year- globally. He received honorary de- beginning of his idea of India and
long tenure in Rajya Sabha ended in grees from many universities includ- Manmohan became famous as the
based laws to empower citizens April this year. ing the Universities of Cambridge architect of economic reforms.
Manmohan Singh, who was the
The economic trajectory set by
and inclusive growth to bring first person from the Sikh community and Oxford. Soft-spoken and affable, Manmohan Singh as Finance Minis-
he rose from humble origins to the
people out of poverty. to become Prime Minister, took the post of Prime Minister. ter and PV Narasimha Rao as Prime
oath of office for a second term on When he was made Finance Minister was largely followed by the
Before assuming office as India’s May 22, 2009. Minister in 1991 by then Prime Min- subsequent governments.
fourteenth Prime Minister in May Born on September 26, 1932, in ister PV Narasimha Rao, India was Manmohan Singh had emerged
2004, Manmohan also held several a village in the Punjab province of facing economic difficulties and had on the national and global scene as
political responsibilities. He served undivided India, Manmohan Singh faced balance of payment crisis. an innovative thinker and adminis-
as a member of Rajya Sabha from was held in high regard across par- With political opposition to trator dedicated to public service and
1991 and Leader of the Opposition ty lines and was held in high esteem his economic reforms, Manmohan Continued on next page... >>