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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 16

          IAPAC Gala Focuses on Addressing the

                     Mental Health Crisis in America

        OUR BUREAU
        Houston, TX

              he Indian American Pub-
              lic Affairs Council (IAPAC)
        Thosted  its  annual  gala  at  the
        Junior League of Houston, focusing
        on the urgent issue of mental health
        in America. Themed “Addressing the
        Mental Health Crisis in America,”
        the event brought together over 220
        attendees, including policymakers,
        healthcare professionals, and com-
        munity  leaders,  to  foster  dialogue
        and inspire collective action in tack-
        ling this critical challenge.
            The evening opened with a stir-
        ring rendition of the U.S. and Indian
        national anthems by Sharan Thind,
        followed by  a  warm  welcome  from
        Dr. Roopa Gir, President of IAPAC.
        Dr. Gir highlighted the importance
        of reducing stigma and creating cul-
        turally relevant solutions to address
        the mental health challenges facing
        diverse communities.
            A keynote address, delivered via
        video by Dr. Rahul Gupta, National
        Director for Drug Policy at the White
        House, set the tone for the evening.
        Dr. Gupta’s remarks explored the in-
        tersection of mental health and sub-
        stance use, emphasizing the urgency
        of tackling these issues with both
        compassion and immediate action.
        His call to action resonated deep-
        ly with the audience, establishing a
        strong foundation  for the evening’s
            The  emotional  highlight  of  the
        evening came from Anagha Suren-
        dran,  who courageously  shared her
        personal journey of overcoming
        OCD and mental health struggles.
        Her powerful account deeply moved
        attendees, underscoring the critical
        need for support, understanding, and
        expanded access to mental health
        care. A standing ovation followed,
        reflecting the profound impact of her
            A panel discussion featuring Sen-  Young remarked, “Fostering conver-  community, stating, “Mental health   by VIVA. This artistic performance
        ator Manka Dhingra, Wayne Young   sations about mental health is exactly   is  as  important  to  discuss  as other   visually captured the emotional spec-
        (CEO of the Harris Center for Men-  how we reduce stigma and help indi-  health issues like cholesterol or heart   trum of mental health, offering a pro-
        tal Health), and Stephen Glazier,   viduals seek support when they need   disease.”                   found reflection on the complexity of
        Ph.D. (Behavioral Health Expert,   it most.”                            The evening also featured a cre-  human emotions.
        UT Health), focused on actionable     Senator Dhingra emphasized    ative fashion show inspired by the    To add levity to the evening, Dr.
        solutions for reducing stigma and   the importance of addressing mental   “nine rasas” (human emotions), with   Shehzaad Batliwala’s stand-up com-
        improving mental health care. Dr.   health within the Indian American   models wearing traditional designs   Continued on next page... >>

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