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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 03, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 17

        edy act entertained guests while also   community and continue to inspire   The evening concluded with a   Ventures, whose platinum sponsor-
        promoting themes of acceptance and   positive change.               heartfelt vote of thanks from Naveen   ship played a pivotal role in bringing
        belonging.                            Additionally, special recogni-  Kochoth,  IAPAC  Board  Member,   the event to life. Dr. Roopa Gir re-
            IAPAC also honored the out-   tion  was  given  to  the  founders  of   who expressed gratitude for the par-  flected, “This evening demonstrated
        standing contributions of  Ashok   IAPAC—Jagat Kamdar, Randhir      ticipation and support of all attendees.  the power of community and collab-
        Mago,  Sonal  Shah,  and  Senator   Sahni, and the late Rao Ratnala—for   The success of the gala was made   oration. Together, we are breaking
        Manka Dhingra for their tireless ad-  their visionary leadership and lasting   possible through the generous sup-  the silence around mental health and
        vocacy and leadership. Their efforts   contributions to the organization’s   port of sponsors, including Blume   building a more compassionate, eq-
        have made a lasting impact on the   mission and success.            Foundation and Karavalli Capital &   uitable future.”

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