Page 11 - The Indian EYE 122024
P. 11

OPINION                                                           DECEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 11

        en’s capabilities.
          Present-Day Reality in India
            As of December 2019, women
        accounted  for  only  3.8%  of  officer
        roles in the Indian Armed Forces,
        with  no formal inclusion in direct
        combat roles such as infantry or ar-
        mored units. However, In the IAF,
        women  are  now  flying  fighter  air-
        crafts including the latest Rafales
        —indicative of progressive reduc-
        tion of resistance to assignment of
        women in combat roles in the Indian
        Armed Forces.
            In contrast, countries like Aus-
        tralia have successfully inducted
        women into ground combat roles,
        and more than eight nations world-
        wide now allow women to serve in
        ground combat positions.
            The path to integration, howev-
        er, has been fraught with challenges.
        Even nations like India and China,
        which have historically limited wom-
        en to support roles, face ongoing
        institutional and societal barriers to
        full inclusion in combat.
            Challenges Women Face
            Women in military  roles  en-     Globally, women constitute a small percentage of ground combat troops. In Israel, they represent 33%, while in countries like Poland and
        counter numerous obstacles, partic-                            Finland, the figure remains as low as 2% (Agency file photo)
        ularly in male-dominated societies.
        Physical demands, traditional views     The US Experience               The prospect of women being   ward greater gender inclusion.
        of masculinity, and logistical con-   The United States began lift-  captured or killed in combat remains   To overcome these challeng-
        straints, such as accommodation and   ing restrictions on women in com-  a sensitive issue, with concerns about   es, military leadership must adopt
        hygiene in combat zones, are signif-  bat roles in 2013, marking a signifi-  public perception and the emotional   gender-sensitive approaches while
        icant hurdles. Furthermore, deeply   cant step toward gender inclusion.   toll on families and communities fur-  fostering societal readiness through
        ingrained cultural resistance often   Despite some limitations, such as   ther complicating the debate.  awareness and education. A bal-
        undermines efforts to integrate   focusing women on protective du-                                    anced approach, prioritizing opera-
        women into combat roles.          ties, their contributions in Iraq and       Conclusion              tional readiness alongside inclusivity,
            However, evolving warfare dy-                                       Women     have   consistently
        namics—such as the blurring of    Afghanistan have been substantial,   demonstrated their capability in   will be essential for the successful
                                                                                                              integration  of  women  into  combat
                                          with over 140 women killed in ac-
        frontlines  in  conflicts  like  those  in   tion—testament  to  their  sacrifices   combat-like  situations  through-  roles. By doing so, nations can har-
        Iraq and Afghanistan—have demon-  and commitment.                   out history, but full integration into   ness the full potential of their armed
        strated that women are already op-                                  ground combat roles remains a chal-  forces, creating more diverse, capa-
        erating in high-risk environments,   Global Comparisons and         lenge. Physical demands, cultural   ble, and resilient military institutions.
        often excelling in critical missions.         Lessons               resistance, and logistical concerns
           Opportunities for Change           Globally, women constitute a   persist as significant hurdles. Howev-  This article first appeared in the web ar-
            The inclusion of women in com-  small percentage of ground com-  er, global progress, changing societal   ticles section of the website (www.claws.
        bat roles can bring diversity and re-  bat troops. In Israel, they represent   attitudes, and the evolving nature of   in) of Centre for Land Warfare Studies,
                                          33%, while in countries like Poland
                                                                            warfare indicate a gradual shift to-
                                                                                                                New Delhi, on November 28, 2024
        silience to armed forces. Historical   and  Finland,  the  figure  remains  as
        and global examples illustrate that   low as 2%. While nations like France
        women can succeed in these roles. In   and the UK are making strides, oth-
        conflict zones such as Iraq and Af-  ers, including India, continue to
        ghanistan, women have earned com-  grapple with societal and institution-
        bat action badges and demonstrated   al challenges.
        their capability in sensitive and high-
        stakes operations.                 Cultural and Societal Barriers
            Countries like Israel and Aus-    Patriarchal norms, societal re-
        tralia have embraced women in     sistance, and fears about the emo-
        combat, and public support for fe-  tional and political impact of female
        male soldiers in high-risk roles is   soldiers’ deaths in combat pres-
        steadily increasing. As perceptions   ent  significant  obstacles.  In  India,
        about diversity and equality evolve   these barriers are particularly pro-
        within military institutions, barriers   nounced, where women are tradi-
        to integration are gradually being   tionally viewed as nurturers rather
        dismantled.                       than warriors.

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