Page 8 - The Indian EYE 122024
P. 8
NATION DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 8
Defense and other cooperation to grow more
as Rajnath Singh meets Putin in Moscow
India-Russia friendship “higher than highest mountain, deeper than deepest ocean”: Rajnath Singh tells President
Putin; 12 SU-30MKI jets for the Indian Air Force would be licensed manufactured by HAL at its Nashik facility
Moscow/New Delhi
n an important development, Union Defense
Minister Rajnath Singh, held the 21st meeting
Iof India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commis-
sion with his Russian counterpart, Andrey Bel-
ousov, during which he discussed ways to deepen
cooperation and reaffirmed India’s commitment to
strengthening close contacts with Russia.
The defense minister called for further collab-
oration to consolidate and deepen the defense as-
pects of the countries’ and emphasized on further
deepening the interaction between both nations
despite “geopolitical challenges and great pres-
“Despite geopolitical challenges and great
pressure on India, both in public and in private, In-
dia has made a conscious decision that the country
will not only continue close contacts with Russia
but will also deepen and expand our interaction.
We will always be with our Russian colleagues,”
Singh said as quoted by Russian Defense Ministry.
“We strive to work together in order to consol- Defense Minister Rajnath Singh meets Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Moscow on Tuesday (ANI Photo)
idate and deepen the defense sphere of our partic-
ularly privileged strategic partnership,” it added.
Taking to social media platform X, the defense deeper than the deepest ocean.” “You have sent congratulations on the occa-
minister said he had a “very productive meeting,” Earlier in the day, Rajnath Singh, held the sion of my reappointment as the Minister of De-
adding that India is committed to further strength- 21st meeting of India-Russia Inter-Governmental fense, I would like to thank you very much for this.
en India-Russia Special and Privileged Strategic Commission with his Russian counterpart, Andrey This is our first personal meeting. We strive to
Partnership. Belousov, during which he discussed ways to deep- work together in order to consolidate and deepen
On Tuesday, Rajnath Singh met Russian Pres- en cooperation and reaffirmed India’s commit- the defense sphere of our particularly privileged
ident Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin, during which ment to strengthening close contacts with Russia. strategic partnership,” he added.
both leaders expressed that India-Russia partner- “Had a very productive IRIGC-M&MTC Meanwhile, in a major success for Make in In-
ship holds immense potential and combined ef- meeting with my Russian counterpart Andrey Be- dia in defense sector, the Cabinet Committee on
forts will pave way for remarkable outcomes. lousov in Moscow. Reviewing the full range of bi- Security today cleared two major projects worth
The meeting was held on the sidelines of the lateral defense ties, we discussed ways to deepen around Rs 20,000 crore for 12 Su-30 MKI fight-
21st session of the India-Russia Inter-Governmen- cooperation between both the countries. We are er jets for the Indian Air Force and 100 K-9 Vajra
tal Commission on Military and Military Technical committed to further strengthen India-Russia Spe- Self-propelled howitzers for the Indian Army.
Cooperation (IRIGC-M&MTC). cial and Privileged Strategic Partnership,” Singh The two projects were cleared on Thursday by
“Rajnath Singh discussed various issues of stated in a post on X. the CCS and the contract for the Su-30-MKI jets
bilateral defense cooperation. Both leaders ex- Singh expressed his gratitude for the warm has already been inked, defense sources informed.
pressed that partnership between both countries hospitality extended by the Russian government The 12 SU-30MKI jets for the Indian Air
holds immense potential and combined efforts will and affirmed India’s commitment to strengthening Force would be licensed manufactured by Hindu-
pave way for remarkable outcomes,” the Ministry the relationship. stan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) at its Nashik fa-
of Defense stated. “We are delighted to participate with you in cility and cost around Rs 13,000 crore. These will
During the meeting, Rajnath Singh conveyed the 21st India-Russia Intergovernmental Commis- replace aircraft that have been lost over the last
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s warm greetings sion on military and military-technical coopera- many years.
to President Putin. Stressing on the deep and en- tion, in Moscow. Before we begin our discussions, The order for 100 K-9 self-propelled howit-
during nature of the India-Russia relationship, the I extend my heartiest gratitude to you for the warm zers to be made by Larsen and Toubro at Hazira in
defense minister stated, “Friendship between our welcome and wonderful arrangements for our Gujarat would be a repeat order as already 100 of
countries is higher than the highest mountain and meeting during this visit,” he stated. them have been inducted into the Army.