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BIG STORY DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 5
Arvind Kejriwal claimed that they had
submitted 3,000 pages of evidence to
the Election Commission, alleging
that the BJP was engaging in a large-
scale effort to remove the names of
legitimate voters in Delhi.
On the other hand, Delhi BJP
President Virendra Sachdeva, re-
sponding to Kejriwal’s allegations on
Thursday, accused the AAP of mak-
ing “false promises,” particularly re-
garding financial support for women
in Punjab and Delhi, which, he said,
has not materialised.
Sachdeva further stated that the
public in Delhi and across the country
now trusts only the ‘Modi Ki Guaran-
tee’. He highlighted that the BJP is
providing financial support to women Delhi Congress President Devendra Yadav and others during Congress CEC meeting ahead of Delhi Assembly Elections,
in several states, including Madhya at AICC headquarters in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Odi-
sha, and Maharashtra.
But Kejriwal further alleged that Aam Aadmi Party leader Manish ing in the same area for years.” manner,” Chadha said.
a BJP official in Shahdara had secret- Sisodia on Wednesday also accused Chadha while addressing the Also in a related develop-
ly submitted a list of 11,008 voters for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of press conference questioned how the ment, AAP MP Raghav Chadha on
deletion, and the Election Commis- deleting voters’ names from the elec- BJP-led central government could Wednesday put the final nail on the
sion had begun working on the matter toral rolls ahead of the Delhi Assem- delete voters’ names from the elec- end of the INDIA bloc in the na-
covertly. “In Janakpuri, 24 BJP work- bly election to defeat Arvind Kejriwal. toral rolls by keeping political parties tional capital and said that the party,
ers applied to remove 4,874 votes. In Sisodia alleged that the BJP had sub- in the dark. which won the last three Delhi elec-
Tughlakabad, 15 BJP workers sought mitted a large number of applications “One cannot get more than 10 tions independently, will contest the
the deletion of 2,435 votes. At Booth for the deletion of voters’ names from voter deletion applications in a day, upcoming Delhi Assembly elections
No. 117 in Tughlakabad, there are the electoral rolls, including those yet in a single day several 100 applica- 2025 on its own and win.
1,337 registered voters, yet two indi- who have been living in the same area tions have been taken from one per- Speaking to reporters, Raghav
viduals applied to delete 554 votes-- for years. son for voter deletion. How can you Chadha said, “I am making it clear
this means they attempted to remove Speaking at a joint press confer- do voter deletion by keeping you and that AAP will contest the upcoming
40 per cent of votes from a single ence with Raghav Chadha, Sisodia the political parties in the dark? If Delhi Assembly elections on its own
booth,” he claimed. said, “When it has become impossible someone’s vote is cut, the booth lev- strength. There is no question of any
“Most of the votes being deleted for them (BJP) to defeat AAP in Del- el officer of the election commission alliance. The reports of any kind of
belong to the poor, Scheduled Castes, hi, and when it has become impossi- should go door to door and check alliance between AAP and Congress
Dalit communities, especially those ble to stop Arvind Kejriwal, they are whether that person is living there are baseless. The AAP has won the
living in slums. For a common person, trying to defeat AAP by cutting votes. or not. And when he goes for house last three Delhi elections alone, on
a single vote holds immense value, as A large number of applications have to house verification, he should take its own. Fourth time also, when there
it grants them citizenship of this coun- been made to delete voters’ names along with him representatives of all will be Assembly elections in 2025,
try,” he said. from the electoral rolls, including the political parties so that the entire AAP will contest based on its work
Kejriwal emphasised that AAP those of people who have been liv- process is conducted in a transparent and Arvind Kejriwal’s name, and
had demanded an immediate halt to win. There is no chance of alliance.”
such mass deletions and called for His comment came after AAP
FIRs to be filed against those submit- national convenor Arvind Kejriwal
ting such applications. earlier ruled out any possibility of
“The Election Commission gave an alliance with the Congress. The
us three or four assurances,” Kejriw- statement comes after reports sug-
al stated. “First, no mass deletion will gested that Congress and AAP were
take place before the elections. Sec- in the final stages of talks for a Delhi
ondly, anyone seeking to delete votes election alliance.
will now have to fill out Form 7. Be- The Delhi Congress president
fore any votes are deleted, a field in- has alleged that the women are fac-
quiry will be conducted by the Booth ing the brunt of increasing crimes,
Level Officer (BLO), accompanied including gang wars, firing, murder,
by representatives from other political rape, harassment and snatching inci-
parties. We believe this will prevent dents. Congress, which was in power
wrongful deletions.” in Delhi for 15 successive years, has
He added, “Another assurance performed poorly in the past two as-
we received is that if a single individu- sembly polls, failing to win any seat.
al applies for more than five deletions, With no tie-up with AAP for the
the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) next year’s elections, the Congress
will personally conduct the field inqui- Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal takes a picture during a meeting party now faces a real dilemma as
ry, again accompanied by representa- with people, at his residence in New Delhi (ANI) both AAP and BJP gear up for the
tives of other parties.” big election.