Page 10 - The Indian EYE 122024
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OPINION DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 10
Bridging Historical Legacy and
Modern Realities’ Historical Context
Modern militaries in countries like Israel, Australia, and the UK have integrated women into ground combat roles,
albeit with varying degrees of success and challenges. Within India, women have made substantial strides in the
police and Central Armed Police Forces, showcasing their capability to handle high-risk and demanding roles
ecently, the Indian Air Force
announced Flight Lieutenant
RShivangi Singh as the first
woman in India to pilot the 4.5-gen-
eration Rafale fighter jet. This
landmark achievement contrasts
sharply with the proposal by US
President-elect Donald Trump to
potentially ban transgender individ-
uals from serving in the US Armed
Interestingly, the concept of
transgender warriors has deep his-
torical roots. The Mahabharata
mentions Shikhandi, a transgen-
der warrior whose unique identity
played a pivotal role in the battle of
Kurukshetra. Due to the deep-seat-
ed bias of Bhishma, he refused to at-
tack Shikhandi. This hesitation was
instrumental in the Pandavas’ strat-
egy to kill Bhishma, the most formi-
dable warrior of the Kauravas. This
historical context underscores how Recently, the Indian Air Force announced Flight Lieutenant Shivangi Singh as the first woman in India to pilot the 4.5-generation
societal perceptions of gender have Rafale fighter jet (Agency file photo)
influenced military dynamics across
cultures and eras. from Malayan rubber estates, who substantial strides in the police and constitute half the population and
Role of women in warfare has al-
ways been mired in debate essential- received military training and played Central Armed Police Forces, show- have already demonstrated their
casing their capability to handle
pivotal support roles.
competence in high-risk roles such
ly due to socio – cultural resistance Globally, women have also high-risk and demanding roles. as law enforcement. Countries like
to non-male genders being part of made significant contributions to Historically, however, societies the US and Israel have paved the
warfighting. The role of women in military efforts. During the Ameri- have been reluctant to place wom- way by formally opening combat po-
combat has deep historical roots, can Revolution, figures such as Mar- en in direct combat. Cultural norms sitions to women.
underscoring their ability to partici- garet Corbin and Deborah Sampson and protective attitudes have often Critics, however, cite concerns
pate in military conflicts. Epitome of fought disguised as men, proving deemed such roles too hazardous, about physical disparities, unit co-
Courage against all odds like Rani that women have long been capable limiting their participation. Despite hesion, and cultural resistance.
Lakshmibai of Jhansi displayed re- of combat and sacrifice. this, the evolving global security They argue that mixed-gender units
markable courage during the 1857 landscape is gradually reshaping per- may face challenges in morale and
Indian First Freedom Struggle, chal- The Global Perspective spectives on women in the military. effectiveness, especially in high-
lenging conventional norms of gen- Modern militaries in countries stress combat environments. These
der roles. Similarly, during World like Israel, Australia, and the UK The Current Debate arguments often reflect deep-seat-
War II, Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indi- have integrated women into ground The debate over women in com- ed societal norms rather than evi-
an National Army formed the Rani combat roles, albeit with varying bat continues to polarize opinions. dence-based assessments of wom-
of Jhansi Regiment—a combat force degrees of success and challenges. Proponents argue for equality of op-
of young female volunteers, many Within India, women have made portunity, highlighting that women Continued on next page... >>