Page 14 - The Indian EYE 122024
P. 14
North The Indian Eye
14 DECEMBER 20, 2024
NYC Mayor Adams Announces Proposals
to Protect Longtime New Yorkers, Immigrant
Families from Repeat, Violent Offenders
Decision after a productive initial conversation with the federal government’s incoming “border czar,” Tom
Homan, and Biden administration official Kenneth Genalo at the Department of Homeland Security
OUR BUREAU ensuring accountability for those who
break the law. We will always fight to
protect New York values and all those,
ew York City Mayor Eric Ad- including immigrants, who contribute
ams has announced a set of so much to our society.”
Nproposals to protect longtime Since the first buses of asylum
New Yorkers, immigrants, and asy- seekers arrived in the five boroughs
lum seekers from violent, repeat of- in 2022, New York City has continued
fenders following a productive initial to focus on building the structures
conversation with the federal govern- needed to help migrants take their
ment’s incoming “border czar,” Tom next steps towards self-sufficiency.
Homan, and Biden administration The city’s Asylum Application Help
official Kenneth Genalo at the U.S. Center — a first-in-the-nation entity
Department of Homeland Security. — has helped complete nearly 87,000
The plan comes on the heels of New applications for work authorization,
York City spending more than $6.65 temporary protected status, and asy-
billion — with little to no help from lum.
the federal government — to pro- Over 70 percent of eligible adults
vide shelter and a range of services to in the city’s care either have or have
the more than 225,000 migrants who applied for work authorization. The
have come to New York City in the city has also purchased 47,000 tick-
past two-plus years. nities Working Group,” consisting peat, violent offenders are taking ad- ets to help migrants reach their pre-
The proposals — which will con- of local, state, and federal officials, vantage of that broken system,” said ferred destinations and help reduce
tinue to be updated and informed in immigrant community stakeholders, Mayor Adams. “It is a privilege to long-term costs for New York City
collaboration with local, state, and legal experts, and faith and business live in this incredible city — and the taxpayers.
federal government partners, law en- leaders to make recommendations overwhelming majority of immigrants Additionally, staff have conduct-
forcement, advocates, and the immi- on new policy interventions to keep who came here know that, follow the ed over 700,000 case management
grant community — include: both longtime New Yorkers and im- law, and want to work as they seek sessions with migrants dedicated to
Continuing to advocate for bi- migrants safe; the American Dream. But those who helping them identify self-sufficient
partisan, comprehensive immigration And launching an awareness break the law and endanger others pathways out of city shelter, in ad-
reform, which includes a national campaign to combat misinformation should be removed from our city after dition to implementing the city’s 30-
resettlement strategy, work authori- and to encourage immigrants and they have served jail time. This after- and 60-day notice policies. As a re-
zation and legal pathways for asylum asylum seekers to continue to feel noon, I sat down with the Trump ad- sult, more than 170,000 migrants who
seekers already in cities, funding for safe engaging with essential city ser- ministration’s incoming ‘border czar,’ requested services from the city have
municipalities, and securing of the vices, including public schools, hospi- Tom Homan, and Biden Homeland taken the next steps in their journeys
border; tal systems, and public safety agencies. Security official Kenneth Genalo and towards self-sufficiency.
Exploring lawful processes to re- A major topic of conversation discussed the issues in our immigra- Since intensive case management
move from New York City individuals at the meeting included the 500,000 tion system, including how there are services began in October 2023, 42
who have been convicted of a major migrant children who have come into 500,000 migrant youth in the country percent more families with children
felony and lack legal status to remain the United States with sponsors but whose location is currently unknown. in humanitarian centers each week
in the United States; whose location is currently unknown. We don’t know if these children are have taken their next steps. Addition-
Encouraging immigrant New “We are a city of immigrants, and in school, if they are safe, or if they ally, over the last budget cycle, Mayor
Yorkers to come forward if they have we will always be true to those roots, are being exploited. We must find Adams successfully reduced the city’s
been a victim of a crime or witnessed but we also have to be honest and be and protect these youth, and we must asylum seeker spending over Fiscal
a crime without fear of deportation; clear that our immigration system protect all those immigrants who con- Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025 by
Establishing a “Safe Commu- is broken and a small number of re- tribute so much to our society, while nearly $2.3 billion.