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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
BAPS Karyakar Suvarna Mahotsav Honors 100,000
BAPS Volunteers for Five Decades of Selfless Services
Themed ‘Seed, Tree, Fruit,’ the event celebrated the journey of volunteers over the past 100 years.
The Karyakar Suvarna Mahotsav program was divided into three segments—Seed, Tree, and
Fruit—each symbolizing the evolution and impact of BAPS volunteerism
New York, NY
he Narendra Modi Stadium
in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, wit-
Tnessed a breathtaking celebra-
tion of service and devotion as BAPS
Swaminarayan Sanstha commemorat-
ed 50 years of volunteerism through
its Karyakar Suvarna Mahotsav
(Golden Anniversary Celebration).
This grand event, attended by over
100,000 volunteers and millions of
viewers worldwide, paid tribute to the
selfless dedication and contributions
of BAPS volunteers worldwide.
The evening’s celebrations united
individuals of all ages and walks of life,
reaffirming the legacy of selfless ser-
vice inspired by BAPS spiritual lead-
ers. From captivating performances
to inspiring addresses, the event high-
lighted the transformative impact of
seva (selfless service) on individuals,
communities, and society at large.
The program began with a cer-
emonious welcome for His Holiness tions across a 160x140-meter screen,
Mahant Swami Maharaj, who arrived 70 projectors, and innovative uses of
at the stadium in a beautifully craft- 100,000 pre-programmed wristbands
ed chariot. As the chariot advanced that lit up in unison.
along the periphery of the stadium, a Key dignitaries, including Hon-
symbolic performance was performed orable Prime Minister of India, Shri
by nearly 800 children and youth Narendra Modi (via video message),
karyakars dressed in 550 handcrafted Union Home Minister of India, Shri
floral petals and 225 beads, which took Amit Shah, and Gujarat Chief Min-
nearly four months to prepare. This ister Bhupendra Patel, shared their
heartfelt tribute and welcome beau- reflections on the volunteers’ contri-
tifully expressed the volunteers’ con- butions and the values they embody.
nection with Mahant Swami Maharaj. The program also featured touching
Themed ‘Seed, Tree, Fruit,’ the personal stories of volunteers who
event celebrated the journey of vol- had made extraordinary sacrifices in
unteers over the past 100 years. The service to society.
Karyakar Suvarna Mahotsav program The celebration culminated in
was divided into three segments— the Maha Arti, performed by 100,000
Seed, Tree, and Fruit—each symboliz- into a global volunteer force, with has touched. volunteers under the open sky, and
ing the evolution and impact of BAPS stories of resilience and unwavering The event underscored the un- a spectacular fireworks display that
volunteerism. dedication to initiatives such as edu- paralleled unity and dedication of lit up the Ahmedabad skyline. The
The Seed segment showcased the cation, family unity, and humanitari- volunteers, from large-scale festi- Golden Anniversary Celebration was
nurturing of the selfless service tra- an efforts. Special tributes were paid val management to individual acts not only a tribute to the past but also a
dition, initiated by Shastriji Maharaj to women volunteers for their stead- of life-saving service, reflecting the call to action for the future. As Mah-
and Yogiji Maharaj, and structured fast contributions. The Fruit segment boundless spirit of seva that continues ant Swami Maharaj blessed the gath-
by Pramukh Swami Maharaj, who es- celebrated the transformative out- to inspire millions worldwide. Each ering, he reminded everyone of the
tablished organized platforms for vol- comes of volunteerism, highlighting segment of the program was brought importance of seva in creating a har-
unteers. The Tree segment illustrated the global reach of BAPS through to life with mesmerizing performances monious and prosperous world. The
how these seeds of service blossomed humanitarian projects and the lives it by 2,000 artists, dazzling visual projec- Continued on next page... >>