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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 20
ITServe Alliance’s CSR Program Contributes
Towards Empowering Future Generations
New York, NY
ontributing over $1,200,000
towards numerous initiatives
Cbenefiting the larger commu-
nity, having provided 75 STEM schol-
arships, 700,000 meals served by our
members to feed the hungry, and in
collaboration with over 100+ part-
nering organizations and institutions
across the United States, the Cor-
porate Social Responsibility (CSR)
of the ITServe Alliance continues to
make a meaningful and lasting im-
pact in the lives of millions of people
across the nation,” said Amit Goel, The organization of multi-tal-
Managing Director of CSR. ented individuals has set targets of
Since ITServe’s inception in awarding STEM scholarships, pro-
2010, the CSR team has embarked viding life-changing opportunities to
on a remarkable journey in the deserving individuals, empowering
realm of Corporate Social Respon- and helping educate a diverse group
sibility. Starting with small steps, it of individuals from across the nation.
has made a significant impact on the In order to achieve these lofty
local communities. goals, ITServe has assembled an ex-
ITServe’s mission has been ceptional team of committed and tal-
to empower local communities ented national leaders to make its mis-
through a wide range of initiatives. sion accomplished. The STEM Team equips individuals with the tools they ty, Georgia State University, Illinois
Through its several noble initiatives, is chaired by distinguished Chairs for need to excel in STEM careers and State University, Ohlone Community
ITServe CSR has been, through its each area. They are: Jagadeesh Moa- contributes to building a robust tal- College, Oklahoma State University,
23 Chapters spread across the Unit- li and Vinod Babu Uppu, CSR Board ent pipeline. University of North Carolina, Uni-
ed States has been working towards of Directors; Amit Goel, CSR – Dinesh Babu Movva, CSR – versity of Texas at Dallas, University
enabling individuals to reach their Managing Director and Dinesh Babu Secretary said, “ITServe offers as of Texas at San Antonio, University
full potential and contribute to a Movva, CSR – Secretary, who are many as 100 scholarships annually of Virginia, and St. Charles Commu-
thriving society. assisted by a dedicated Team of CSR to the needy students in the com- nity College, among others.
Lauding the support and com- Chairs, including Ravisatya Gavirine- munities they live and serve. Each Anju Vallabhaneni, Presi-
mitment of over 2,600 members of ni, Krishna Revoori, Naveen Surya, student chosen for the scholarship dent-Elect of ITServe said, “Over the
ITServe Jagadeesh Mosali, President Ravisankar Ramanathan, Naveen is given up to $5,000 towards one’s years, ITServe Alliance has estab-
of ITServe Alliance said, “ITServe Jagadam, Venkat Seelam, Jogeswara educational needs. Through the lished a name for itself as the center
CSR Team members are unwavering Rao Peddiboyina, Dhanunjaya Mun- partnership with our local Chapters, point of information for its members
in their commitment to corporate drathi, Suresh Chappidi, and, Suresh focusing on community colleges, and the larger community, covering a
social responsibility (CSR) to give Babu Manukonda. ITServe has given away nearly 75 variety of areas ranging from immi-
back to local communities across the According to Amar Varada, IT- scholarships this year.” gration, technology, economy, and
country. The ITServe CSR vision has Serve Governing Board Chair – 2024, ITServe has cultivated strong many more that are relevant to its
been to empower local communities “The ITServe CSR vision is empow- partnerships with over 100 presti- members. Through our 23 Chapters
through Education and Training, cre- ering local communities through Ed- gious universities and community across the United States, we bring
ating local employment and support- ucation and Training, creating local colleges, forming a robust network resources and service to the larger
ing our first responders.” employment, and contributing to to help achieve STEM goals. At the humanity in every part of this innova-
Elaborating on the noble mission the economy as a whole. We actively local level, each of the 23ITServe tion country.”
of CSR, Vinod Babu Uppu, CSR engage in initiatives that support ed- Chapters are actively engaged with Making a positive change in the
Board of Director, “ITserve CSR’s ucation, healthcare, and community community non-profit organiza- local communities is strengthened by
mission has been to empower local development, among other areas.” tions, forming vital partnerships to the generous donations by ITServe’s
communities through STEM advo- CSR has a broad range of ini- drive ITServe’s mission and objec- leadership and member organiza-
cacy, educating the underprivileged, tiatives aimed at creating a positive tives forward. tions. They play a crucial role in the
feeding the hungry, supporting our impact in various areas. CSR team Some notable institutions that success of the programs. Its partners
veterans and first responders and works to establish partnerships with are part of the collaborative network play a vital role in helping us broad-
recognizing our community heroes. educational institutions, organiza- include Arizona State University, en the reach and positively impacting
ITServe CSR would like to give back tions, and industry experts to provide Bronx Community College Foun- the lives of the lesser fortunate in our
to our local communities through training opportunities that enhance dation, Bucks County Community communities by helping us broaden
various charitable programs.” STEM skills and knowledge. This College, California State Universi- our reach.