Page 24 - The Indian EYE 122024
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 20, 2024 | The Indian Eye 24
Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul
Announce Removal of 73,000 Ghost Cars and
Illegal Motorized Vehicles From NYC Streets
20,000 Ghost Cars and 53,000 Illegal Motorized Vehicles Removed Since Start of Adams Administration
s “Public Safety Week” rolls
on, New York City Mayor Eric
AAdams and New York Gover-
nor Kathy Hochul have announced
the New York City Police Department
(NYPD) and New York City Depart-
ment of Sanitation (DSNY) have
removed more than 73,000 illegal
“ghost cars” — cars that are virtual-
ly untraceable by traffic cameras and
toll readers because of their forged or
altered license plates — and illegal
and unregistered motorized scooters,
bikes, and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
from New York City streets since the
start of the Adams administration.
This year alone, NYPD and
DSNY have removed more than
7,500 ghost cars and 27,000 illegal
motorized vehicles from New York accountability for serious crimes, in- or parking a ghost vehicle, you will roadways safe, and the remarkable
City streets. And since the launch cluding shootings, robberies, and hit- be stopped and, when necessary, success of this initiative underscores
of a joint task force between the two and-runs, thanks to our partnership arrested. Your vehicle will also be the critical importance of collabora-
departments in September — just 12 across city and state agencies, we impounded. I assure everyone that tion between law enforcement agen-
weeks ago — more than 5,000 ghost have taken more than 73,000 ghost all of our interagency task forces are cies to tackle toll evasion and ghost
cars have been removed. This task cars and illegal vehicles off New fully dedicated to this critical work plates,” said Port Authority of New
force targets parked ghost cars and York City’s streets since the start of of ensuring public safety.” York and New Jersey Police Super-
contributed to the more than 20,000 our administration. We are not go- “The MTA is conveying to any- intendent Edward Cetnar. “In just
ghost cars and more than 53,000 il- ing to stand by while people break one who still hasn’t gotten the mes- seven months, our united efforts have
legal and unregistered motorized the law, defraud our city, and endan- sage on toll evasion: forget it. We resulted in thousands of summonses
vehicles seized since the start of the ger the public.” will catch you, stop you, fine you, and and hundreds of arrests. This sends a
Adams administration. “Ghost plates and toll evasion we’ll seize your car,” said Metropoli- clear message: Those who cheat the
Ghost cars and other illegal ve- cost our state millions each year, tan Transportation Authority (MTA) system will face immediate conse-
hicles pose significant public safety which is why we launched a city-state Chief Security Officer Michael Kem- quences. Together, we are ensuring
risks and are increasingly being used task force to crack down on these per. “We have the tools, training, and that nobody on our roads shirks their
in violent crimes, including shootings offenders and worked with the leg- technology to catch toll evaders; just responsibility for safe, fair, and equi-
and robberies, as well as in traffic of- islature this year to strengthen en- ask the 3,200 people whose cars have table travel.”
fenses like hit-and-runs. Ghost cars forcement actions,” said Governor been impounded or the 700 people In September, Mayor Adams
also deprive law-abiding taxpayers of Hochul. “Working in partnership who’ve been arrested in one of our announced a new interagency task
millions of dollars in unpaid tolls and with Mayor Adams and law enforce- toll evasion operations this year. force in which 15 NYPD officers
fees that could otherwise be invested ment, we are prioritizing the safe- We’ll remain vigilant on toll evasion were assigned strictly to parked ghost
in critical government services. ty of all New Yorkers by removing because there’s zero tolerance for car removal under the direction of
“Our kids, families, and all New these vehicles from our streets and scofflaws or for criminals stealing DSNY. In the 12 weeks since the task
Yorkers must feel safe and be safe ensuring these brazen actions do not millions from New Yorkers, and we force began regular operations, it has
in our city, but ghost cars contribute go unchecked any longer.” thank Mayor Adams, the NYPD, already removed 5,119 ghost cars —
to the feeling of disorder, and that’s “Ghost plates and the vehicles the Port Authority, New York City freeing up space for New Yorkers
why our administration has pumped that use them have long been a Sheriff’s Office, the New York State who follow safety and regulatory re-
the brakes on the use of these illegal plague on the streets of New York Police, and all of our other partner quirements. The NYPD has removed
vehicles,” said Mayor Adams. “While City,” said NYPD Commissioner agencies for working with us on this an additional 2,415 ghost cars this
outlaws use fraudulent, defaced, or Jessica S. Tisch. “But the days of important effort.” year, for a total of 7,534 ghost cars
non-existent license plates and other motorists getting away with it are “The Port Authority is unwaver- cleared from New York City streets
illegal vehicles to commit and evade over. When you are caught driving ing in its commitment to keeping our in 2024 already.