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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           DECEMBER 20, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 26

           Jain Center of Southern California Unveils

             the Gyan Mandir, A Temple of Knowledge

            Drs. Jasvant and Meera Modi’s Visionary Philanthropy Celebrates the Teachings of the Tirthankaras

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            ern academia, creating a brighter,
                                                                                                              more virtuous future.”
        BUENA PARK, CA
                                                                                                                  Drs. Jasvant and Meera Modi,
              he Jain Center of Southern                                                                      visionaries and ardent supporters of
              California (JCSC) proudly in-                                                                   Jain  education, were  instrumental
        Taugurated the Gyan Mandir, a                                                                         in bringing the Gyan Mandir to life.
        breathtaking, intricately hand-carved                                                                 Their philanthropic commitment
        Temple  of Knowledge.  This awe-in-                                                                   istien deeply rooted in the Tirthan-
        spiring installation celebrates the 24                                                                karas’ teachings of non-violence
        Benevolent Tirthankaras and reflects                                                                  (Ahimsa), honesty (Asteya), and
        the growing prominence of endowed                                                                     non-possessiveness  (Aparigraha).
        Jain Chairs at universities dedicated                                                                 Through these principles, the Modis
        to spreading the Omniscient Lords’                                                                    aim to nurture a new generation of
        timeless teachings.                                                                                   leaders equipped with strong moral
            The Gyan Mandir, seamlessly                                                                       foundations to address contempo-
        integrated with the historic Teak-                                                                    rary challenges through harmonious
        wood Temple, serves as both a spiri-                                                                  and inclusive solutions.
        tual and educational landmark. The                                                                        The inauguration was a momen-
        Teakwood Temple itself boasts a                                                                       tous celebration of community and
        storied past, having been originally                                                                  learning, attended by scholars, pro-
        commissioned by the British East                                                                      fessors, and global academic leaders
        India Company for the St. Louis Fair                                                                  in Jain studies. JCSC continues to
        in 1904, later relocated to Las Vegas   Charlotte Hempel, Drs Meera & Jasvant Modi, Rajesh & Neeta Shah and Rajendra Vora  pioneer Jain education, empowering
        under Howard Hughes’ estate, and                                                                      universities to embrace and share the
        finally  finding  its  permanent  home   “The Gyan Mandir is more than   Tirthankaras’ teachings, we are fos-  profound wisdom of Jainism. With
        at JCSC in 1987. Together, the tem-  a temple; it is a living testament to   tering a legacy of knowledge and   the Gyan Mandir, JCSC solidifies its
        ples stand as a symbol of synergy   the timeless values of Jainism,” said   compassion that will inspire genera-  position as a beacon of Jain values,
        between history, knowledge, and   Dr. Jasvant Modi. “By dedicating   tions to come. This temple is a bridge   radiating knowledge, compassion,
        spirituality.                     endowed chairs and promoting the   between ancient wisdom and mod-  and understanding worldwide.

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