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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 23

                AAPI Holds Lifestyle                                         ‘Aashram’ actor Prashantt

         Medicine & Wellness CME                                                  Guptha lands his first

                                                                               endorsement with Solm8

                                                                             Solm8 is a California based shoe brand launched by
                                                                                    a designer couple, Jasmine & Bhupinder

        OUR BUREAU                        director of interventional cardiology   OUR BUREAU                  footwear) back in 2016, and following
                                          at the James A Haley VA Medical                                     a  corporate  conflict  thereafter,  they
        Chicago, IL                                                         New York, NY
                                          Center  in  Tampa,  FL,  challenged                                 restarted in 2020 from scratch and
              ifestyle medicine is the simplest   a record over 200 Physicians who   have found my Solm8,’ smirks the   launched SOLM8 which is primarily a
              yet most powerful approach   had joined the webinar on weekend   Aashram and Tashkent Files ac-  Cricket shoe considering the growing
        Lto true health and healing,”     morning.   Dr. Kaushik Reddy em- I tor from his home in New York.   popularity of the sport across the US.
        said Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of the   phasized the importance of a fun-  After having kept Mumbai as his   Though designed for cricket,
        American Association of Physicians   damental diet, physical activity, and   primary base for 15 years, the actor   these are turf shoes that athletes have
        of Indian Origin (AAPI) while setting   other lifestyle approaches in the pri-  recently moved to the US in light of   alternately used for trekking, biking
        the context for the Lifestyle Medicine   mordial and primary prevention of   better  education  prospects  for  his   or just being outdoors where they felt
        & Wellness Webinar organized on   many NCDs that can easily be pre-  children, career opportunities for his   they needed a shoe with some grip.
        November 19th, 2022. “We under-   vented through simple day-to-day   wife and having signed with a Holly-  Says Jasmine about the association
        stand that well-being is more than   choices.                       wood manager post the success of his   with Prashantt, ‘he is connected with
        the absence of disease. It’s our hope   Dr. Koushik Reddy argued that   movie A NEW CHRISTMAS.        Cricket through his son who plays for
        that by attending this very important   our healthcare system is really a dis-  With  a  new  Hindi  feature  film   the Queens United Cricket Acade-
        webinar today, we all will experience   ease management system, but we still   and  national  television  commercial   my (QUCA). It was from there that
        the transformative power of using ev-  have some agency. He shared with   soon releasing in India, and new film   Coach George Samuel introduced us
        eryday choices and habits to achieve   AAPI members several pillars he be-  prospects in the US, the actor is gear-  to the Bollywood actor. Whilst not a
        peak performance and well-being.”  lieves will help each of us have a hap-  ing up to make major international   Cricketer himself, we felt Prashantt
            Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, AAPI’s   py, long healthy life. In his address,   strides. Recent years have placed   was a good match for SOLM8 as he
        CME Chair, while welcoming the    he said, he is deeply committed to   popular and hit projects in his rep-  also started from an unconventional
        nearly 200 AAPI members who at-   the idea of health promotion and dis-  ertoire, from Neerja, The Tashkent   background like we did. He broke
        tended the webinar, introduced Dr.   ease prevention, using lifestyle and   Files, Special Ops to the recent Aash-  through  the  prevalent  film  families
        Koushik Reddy, who is passionate   nutrition-related tools. It is with this   ram 3 in which he played the wicked   and connections as an outsider purely
        and deeply committed to the idea   passion and commitment, he boldly   and grey-shaded cop DIG Sinha. The   based on his passion, dedication and
        of health promotion and disease   challenges his patients with – “I have   shoe endorsement is the first of such   hardwork. Similarly, SOLM8, is cre-
        prevention, using lifestyle and nu-  a carrot and a stent, you pick!”  deals in his career.           ated by us as disruptors, who are not
        trition-related tools, and, Dr. Param   Dr. Reddy, after practicing in-  Solm8 is a California based shoe   the typical business people but want to
        Dedhia, a dedicated internal and in-  terventional cardiology for ten years,   brand launched by a designer couple,   create a lasting relationship between
        tegrative medicine practitioner, who   changed his focus towards cardiovas-  Jasmine & Bhupinder.  Whilst Bhu-  our shoes and the players community.’
        is a board-certified Integrative Med-  cular health promotion and disease   pinder went on to showcase his pas-  As Solm8 is still expanding, it isn’t
        icine Physician, Internal Medicine   prevention, using lifestyle and nutri-  sion for footwear by diving in-depth   uncommon  to  find  young  cricketers
        Doctor, Obesity Medicine  Expert,   tion-based strategies. He is a mem-  into footwear design, tech and pro-  and sports shops across the US & West
        and Sleep Medicine Specialist, who   ber of the American College of Car-  duction for the last 25 years now, Jas-  Indies carry this brand with its many
        led the discussions today on Lifestyle   diology’s working group on nutrition   mine on the other hand took up the   fancy styles. The shoes can be bought
        Medicine and Wellness.            and lifestyle and is board certified in   brand development and communica-  from  Future plans
            “I  Have  a  Carrot  and  a  Stent,   Cardiology, Interventional Cardiolo-  tions. They successfully created their   are to expand the range to include
        You Pick!,” Dr. Koushik R. Reddy,   gy, and Lifestyle Medicine.     first brand Jazba (sports performance   cricket accessories and other sports.

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