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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 09, 2022 | The Indian Eye 20
AAPI Condemns Violence Against
Physicians in India
Association Urges Government to prevent violence and bring to justice those harm Physicians
OUR BUREAU month that pointed to a very grim healthcare centers.” India continue to rise, Dr. Meher
situation in the state of Punjab in AAPI supports the petition call- Medavaram, Secretary of AAPI
Chicago, IL
India, Dr. Kolli said, it is shocking to ing for justice to the Doctor attacked said.
API is very concerned by the learn of “Recent incidents of phys- in Thiruvananthapuram, which has Pointing to the trend of increas-
recent and ongoing assaults ical assaults and misconduct have gained support from the Kerala ing violence against the Medical Pro-
Aon Doctors and Medical Pro- once again instilled a sense of fear in Medical Post Graduate Association, fessionals, and the actions against the
fessionals in India and joins Amer- the mind of on-duty medical staff. As who stated that it is unsettling that perpetrators are disproportionately
ican Kerala Medical Graduates per the data, compiled by the Punjab such attacks occurred in medical low, Dr. Sumul Raval, Treasurer of
Association (AKMG) and Kerala Civil Medical Services (PCMS) As- campuses, which are supposed to be AAPI said, “Medical Profession-
Medical Post Graduates Association sociation, over 400 incidents of vio- a secure location, he added. als cannot provide the best possible
in condemning the recent physical as- lence against medical staff, including “AAPI members share their health services to the people until
sault on a female Doctor at Thiruva- doctors, have been reported over the angst as there is not enough support there is a safe working environment.
nanthapuram Government Medical past two years.” from the state and federal govern- Potential fear of violence always
College on November 23rd that was ments and the larger society as the looms, especially in the overcrowded
caught on the CCTV,” Dr. Ravi Kolli, “We strongly urge both the attacks on Medical Professionals in Government Hospitals.”
President of American Association
of Physicians of India Origin (AAPI) central and state governments
said here today. to take decisive and drastic ac-
The leadership of AAPI, in-
cluding Drs. Ravi Kolli, President tions to curb these anti-social
of AAPI, Dr. Vishweshwar Ranga, behaviors that endanger doc- Towards Better Living
Chair, BOT of AAPI, Dr. Raghu Lo-
labhattu, Vice Chair, AAPI BOT, Dr. tors serving patients,” Dr. Ran- Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Anjana Samadder, President-Elect ga, BOT Chair of AAPI said. He
of AAPI, Dr. Satheesh Kathula, Vice
President of AAPI, Dr. Sujeeth Pun- agreed with the health experts
nam, Chair, Alumni Committee of who “want a multi-pronged Throughout 2022, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
AAPI, Dr. Geetha Nair, President presents a bi-monthly article series to help us
of AKMG, Dr. Nigil Haroon, im- approach to prevent such at- navigate our existence towards better living.
mediate past President of AKMG, tacks, involving reducing the
and Dr. Subra Bhat, past President
of AKMG, and the entire Executive crowd by strengthening periph-
Committee and Board Of Trustees eral hospitals, increasing staff
of AAPI, stand in solidarity with When: Every second & fourth
our fellow physicians and medical and providing better security.” Friday of the month
professionals, who are on the front This series is dedicated to Pramukh Swami Maharaj,
line, work very hard, day and night to Dr, Satheesh Kathula, Vice Pres- whose centennial in 2022 gives an occasion to celebrate
serve and take care of patients dili- ident of AAPI said, “These incidents the life of a person who will inspire generations towards
gently and dutifully, Dr. Kolli said in are unfortunate. We urge the federal goodness, happiness and harmony.
a statement issued here. and the state governments to provide
Quoting media reports last adequate security at all hospitals and