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P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            DECEMBER 09, 2022
                                 “India ready to take

                 its place at global top tables

                                like G20 and UNSC”

          India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj says that even as the

           world grapples with a pandemic and multilateralism is under stress, India has emerged on the

                                            international stage as a rallying point of hope

                                                                                                              one is an all-encompassing theme fo-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              cused on building a new orientation
        New York, NY                                                                                          towards reformed  multilateralism
                                                                                                              and the second one is a “focus on the
           ndia is ready to take its place at                                                                 global counter-terrorism approach
           the global top tables including
        IG-20 and the UN Security Coun-                                                                       and the way forward.”
        cil presidency as the country is willing
        to bring solutions to the table, India’s                                                              Giving more details about the
        Permanent Representative to the UN                                                                    schedule of the UNSC presiden-
        Ruchira Kamboj said on Friday.
            During the press briefing, when                                                                   cy, Kamboj said that External
        asked about UNSC reforms and In-                                                                      Affairs  Minister  S  Jaishankar
        dia’s permanent seat at the security
        council, Kamboj said, “India is ready                                                                 will chair two high-level signa-
        to take its place at the global top                                                                   ture events that will take place
        tables as a country that is willing to
        bring solutions to the table. One of                                                                  on December 14-15.
        the central tenets of our foreign pol-  Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj speaks at the United
        icy is human-centric and which will                                                                       The high-level open debate on
        remain the same.”                     Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Yemen, in New York on Tuesday (ANI)  the theme - “Maintenance of Inter-
            India has been one of the lead-                                                                   national Peace and Security: New
        ing voices for the long-standing re-  ready ready to take its place at the   Presidency of the UN Security Coun-  Orientation for  Reformed Multilat-
        forms due in the UNSC, stating that   global top table,” she added.  cil for the month of December. It is   eralism” is scheduled to be held on
        it surely deserves a position  at  the   The top Indian diplomat at UN   the second time in its two-year ten-  December 14. The open debate will
        highest level of the UN as a perma-  further underscored nations back-  ure as an elected member of the UN   encourage the UN members to take
        nent member. Proposals to restruc-  ing India’s long-standing demand,   Security Council that India has as-  the conversation forward on reforms
        ture the security council which now   where several nations have called for   sumed the Presidency of the Council.  in  the  current  multilateral architec-
        has five permanent members and ten   reforms, making it more representa-  In the special briefing about the   ture with the UN at its Centre to
        elected to two-year terms, have been   tive, inclusive, and transparent.  UNSC presidency, India’s Perma-  make it “more representative and fit
        around for over two decades, but      Talking about the UNSC re-    nent Representative to the UN said,   for purpose.”
        have hit a stalemate in the UN Gen-  forms, Kamboj said that the UN is   “Over the last two years of our mem-  On December 15, a high-level
        eral Assembly.                    far  from  “reflective  of  the  true  di-  bership of the council, I can say with   briefing on the theme - “Threats to
            Ambassador Kamboj told re-    versity” of its wider membership.   confidence that we have been shoul-  International Peace and Security
        porters that even as the world grap-  She also said that after 22 years, the   dering responsibilities well and mak-  Caused by Terrorist Acts: Global Ap-
        ples with a pandemic and multilat-  world leaders called for comprehen-  ing every effort to reach the different   proach to Counter Terrorism - Chal-
        eralism is under stress, India has   sive UNSC reform but the Council   voices within the council so, as to   lenges and Way Forward” will seek to
        emerged on the international stage   has “not moved an inch.” Calling the   ensure that the Council itself speaks   build a consensus on the principles of
        as a rallying point of hope.      countries’ favor for UNSC reform   in one voice as far as possible on a   a global counter-terror architecture.
            “In the last 2 years when the   a “ray of hope” Kamboj said that   variety of issues,” adding “We will   The  high-level  briefing  aims  to  en-
        world was going through a crisis, In-  during the 77th plenary session, 76   bring the same spirit to our Decem-  hance the Delhi Declaration adopt-
        dia has always been there as a solu-  countries favored UNSC reform and   ber presidency.”            ed during the special meeting of the
        tion provider. Like during COVID   73 spoke for UN reforms              She also said that the focus will   counter-terrorism committee held in
        and more such matters, India is al-   India, on Thursday, assumed the   be  on  two  major  themes,  the  first   October in India.

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