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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 22

         INTERNATIONAL INDIAN ICON (3iii) becomes

                 a Platform for Indian Talent Across the Globe

            The huge success of 3iii India 2022 Semi-final in Delhi on November 26th and 27th to be followed by the
             ultimate competition of the season with the Grand-finale in Chicago on December 29th and 30th, 2022

        OUR BUREAU                        3iii India Semi-finalists and selected
                                          winners received awards (Trophy,
        Chicago, IL
                                          Medal, Tiara and Sashes) during the
           NTERNATIONAL         INDIAN    Awards ceremony on Nov 27th 2022
           ICON 3iii (Three Eye) by Gee   at NCUI Auditorium and Conven-
        IVision Inc., Chicago USA, is tak-  tion Center, 3, August Kranti Marg,
        ing over the world as a global talent   Siri Institutional Area, Block A, Nip-
        platform by giving young children and   ccd Campus, Hauz Khas, New Delhi,
        adults the opportunity to showcase   Delhi 110016, India.
        their talent without any restrictions of   3iii India 2022 Winners are invit-
        location, culture, color, gender or age   ed to Chicago, USA for INTERNA-
        at a national and international level.   TIONAL  INDIAN  ICON  3iii  2022
        Since its inception in 2017, it is now in   Season-6  Finale  &  Grand-finale  on
        the process of completing its 6th Sea-  Dec 29th & 30th 2022 to join on-line
        son with the huge success of 3iii India   through Zoom or on-site in Chicago,
        2022 Semi-final in Delhi on Nov 26th   for those who are able to make it.
        and 27th to be followed by the ulti-   3III INDIA 2022 WINNERS:     Simian Ahuja to name just a few.   to make 3iii episodes to air/stream
        mate competition of the season with                                     Talent is recognized in all talent   globally on multiple TV channels
        the Grand-finale in Chicago Dec 29th   • Singing Senior: Nihal Banda   categories across all 3 age groups as   and OTT Platforms. TV and OTT
        and 30th 2022.                    • Singing Super Senior: Subir Ku-  State Indian Icon at state level across   platforms may contact Gee / 3iii for
            3iii  has  reached  a  platform  of   mar Datta                 the country, who are invited to com-  collaboration opportunities.
        16,000 participants and a world-wide   • Dance Senior: Nikul Saini (Group   pete at country level to be recognized   Gee is on the move to create an
        talent from the U.S., Canada, Eu-   Dance)                          as Indian Country Icon at country   International on-line & on-site plat-
        rope, the Caribbean, Australia, New   • Dance Junior: Tanya & Yashika  level across the globe and winners of   form 3iii for anyone who likes any
        Zealand, South Africa, the Middle   • Fashion Senior: Veer Sharma   all countries of all categories across   type of Indian art & culture, living
        East, Asia and India with participants   (Male) Aabha Samta (Female)  all 3 age groups are invited to Chica-  in any part of the world, without any
        from 46 countries of 7 continents.  • Fashion  Junior: Veronica Shah   go, USA to join 3iii Episode Produc-  restrictions of geographical boundar-
            3iii Indian Icon 2022 in Delhi   (Female) Sohil Pathan (Male)   tion (Semi-final, Finale & Grand-fi-  ies, culture, color, gender and age to
        was a huge success with 100+ short   • I Got Talent (IGT) Senior: Vikash   nale) on-line or onsite during the last   give them the opportunity to show-
        listed participants from all over Asia.   (Gymnastic World Acro Group)  week of December.             case their talent at a National and
        Participants came to Delhi from   • I Got Talent (IGT) Junior: Nishad   3iii (Three Eye) founded by Mr   International Level.
        Oman, Indonesia etc. and all over   • IGT - Instruments: Surjeet Singh  Sharan Walia, the vision behind the   Gee welcomes any talent of any
        India. 3iii International Jury consist-  3iii previous 5 seasons have been   platform for both online and onsite   category  of  any  age  group,  gender,
        ing of Padma Shree Indra Udayana,   judged by numerous Bollywood leg-  competition to not only show the   region, religion, color without any
        52 World Record holder pianist Dr.   endary music directors, singers and   beauty of Indian culture through   discrimination to participate in 3iii
        Aman Bathla, Miss Universe Asia   choreographers like legendary  mu-  song, dance, fashion and talent but   Global talent competition to show-
        2019 Mauna Shah, heart surgeon    sic director Jatin Pandit; Bollywood   also allow non-natives to show their   case their talent to the world. Gee
        Dr. Bikram  Mohanty,  upcoming    composer, lyricist and singer Arko   love for Indian culture by performing   has a unique vision and mission of
        singer Yashasvi Bajpai from Kanpur,   Mukherjee, Bollywood Slumdog   to Indian songs and dance.       bringing the global talent community
        Dr. Nupur Tiwari and writer, direc-  Millionaire’s choreographer Long-  Raaj Rahhi as 3iii Director, has   on one platform at 3iii to share their
        tor and producer Dr. Waris Ahmad   inus Fernandez; Bollywood actress   taken the responsibility of the en-  knowledge, talent, experience and
        Khan evaluated performances of all   Meenakshi Seshadri; Ms India 2013   tire 3iii episode production globally   art with each other globally.

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