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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                  DECEMBER 09, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 26

                         What is the secret of success?

                 How to maximize the full potential

                                                   in a business?

            Life is really about adding more value. If you can do more for others than anybody else is doing in the

         marketplace, you will dominate. It’s only a matter of time. If you consistently do that, you’ll build a brand

                   HIRAV SHAH

                 y simple funda is if you are
                 DOING business or BUY-
        MING  business or START-
        ING any PROJECT, you should be
        able to make money as per POTEN-
            If you are not able to make
        MONEY  as  per  POTENTIAL  of
        your business, means there must
        be some problem in your HARD
        WORK or STRATEGIES or EXE-
        CUTION or TALENT or LUCK.                      The only way you get wealthy and sustain that wealth is if you understand that life is not about me,
            So now the question is: How do                                   it’s about what I do for you or for others
        you become wealthy and success-
        ful, which so many people say they     How to Maximize Full         STRATEGY is 80% combination       sults, which then impact the choices
        want to be but they do too little to   Potential in Business?       of Hard Work, Mindset, Strategy,   you make, impacting your results. In
        make happen? The only way you get                                   Effective Execution & Talent and of   other words: What you put in; you
        wealthy and sustain that wealth is if   • Whether it is for Marketing or   course 20% is a Luck factor. Right   take out. This applies to life in gen-
                                            Advertising or Sales or starting a
        you understand that life is not about   business or for funding or for ac-  TIME with Right STRATEGY helps   eral,  and  can  more  specifically  be
        me, it’s about what I do for you or   quisition or for merger. For any   to execute strategies effectively.  tied into the business success your
        for others? Life is really about add-  strategic call, you need to inte-  The Point is how to utilize and to   company experiences.
        ing more value. If you can do more   grate all 6 verticals with 3 qualities   make & execute strategies with Luck
        for others than anybody else is doing   of nature to maximize your full   to create opportunities for business   CONCLUSION
        in the marketplace, you will  dom-  potential. And that’s called Astro   and  for  making  the  future  better.     • “Everybody’s got a past. The past
        inate. It’s only a matter of time. If   Strategy.                       “ACT” and “REACT” both are      doesn’t equal the future unless
        you consistently do that, you’ll build   What is the most popular   very important ingredients for any   you live there… All that mat-
        a brand.                                  Astro Strategy?           business.                           ters is: What are you going to do,
                                                                                                                right now?”
            The Formula of Success        • ASTRO STRATEGY is the                “Exponential Growth can be       The secret of success isn’t a secret
        • Success is the combination of six   combination of Mindset, Talent,   achieved when you know where you   at all. It’s been within you all along –
          verticals.  1. Hard Work, 2. Mind-  Strategies, Effective Execution   are, where you want to go, why you   you just need to understand it.
          set, 3. Strategies, 4. Execution, 5.   and Luck to utilize When, where,   want it, what’s the GAP between
          Talent, 6. Luck. And for success   what and how to ACT and RE-    your goal and your current situation   The writer is a well-known Astro Strat-
          you also need 3 qualities of Na-  ACT. It cures ALL and that’s    and finally what are the chances to   egist and Business Astrologer
          ture 1. Hunger, 2. Discipline, 3.   called SUCCESS.               achieve your goal”.
          Consistency.                        In  Other   words,  ASTRO         What you do impacts your re-     Email:[email protected]

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