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COMMUNITY OP-ED DECEMBER 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
The Updated Financial Plan Puts Working-
Class New Yorkers First and Makes Our
City Safer and More Affordable conditions
The November plan also funds staffing technology and other needs at the Bellevue
Outpost Therapeutic Housing Unit to treat justice-involved patients with serious health
The plan also deepens our com-
mitment to New York City Public
Schools by filling gaps in the budget
left by expiring stimulus funding. I
am a public-school graduate; I know
how important our public schools
are for our kids and how important
school nurses are to providing care
for our kids.
That’s why we are stepping in
and continuing to fund school
contract nurses with a goal
that there’s a school nurse in
rom day one, we have put New every school building. Addi-
Yorkers first, working to make
Fthis city safer, more afford- tionally, we are allocating $80
able, and more livable. Thanks to million for New York City Public
our strong fiscal management — in-
cluding saving nearly $900 million in Schools technology resources
taxpayer dollars over just two fiscal New Yorkers work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families. They not only to make sure that adminis-
years, last week, we were able to de- deserve a safe city, but a fair shot and their fair share (Representative/File photo)
liver the November 2024 Financial trators, schools, and our kids
Plan Update that invests in public have the best technology at
safety, the programs and benefits that keep us safe, and they need a leader staffing technology and other needs
New Yorkers rely on, and improves who is spending every minute of ev- at the Bellevue Outpost Therapeu- their disposal.
quality of life for our city’s 8.3 million ery day keeping us safe, too. That is tic Housing Unit to treat justice-in-
residents. Because we made smart why, last week, I also announced the volved patients with serious health New Yorkers love their parks,
and tough budget decisions early on, appointment of Jessica Tisch as next conditions. And it expands the New and we are taking care of our green
we are able to continue investing in police commissioner. Commission- York City Sheriff’s Electronic Ankle spaces by fully containerizing all De-
working-class New Yorkers and their er Tisch is a 12-year veteran of the Monitoring Program with funding partment of Parks and Recreation
families. And we are stepping up to NYPD and a 17-year veteran of city for 51 new positions to help increase curbside trash locations with 9,000
fund critical programs that had been government, who has dedicated her safety. It puts more money into New lockable steel bins. This will contin-
supported with temporary federal professional life to serving the peo- York City Department of Correction ue our ‘Trash Revolution’ across the
stimulus funds. ple of New York City. Most recently, to support programs that reduce re- five boroughs and make sure our
This administration has been Commissioner Tisch served as com- cidivism in our city. streets get even cleaner. We are kick-
committed to cleaning up crime and missioner of the Department of Sani- New Yorkers work hard every ing trash to the curb, reclaiming pub-
disorder across the five boroughs. tation. She led the ‘Trash Revolution’ day to provide for themselves and lic space, fighting rats, and so much
We are pro-public safety, and we are in our city, delivering generational their families. They not only deserve more.
making sure our families and kids change through our containeriza- a safe city, but a fair shot and their Early in our administration, we
can feel safe and be safe. The No- tion program and universal curbside fair share, and in this November plan made it clear that our mission is to
vember 2024 Financial Plan Update composting service. Commissioner we are giving it to them. This plan support working-class New Yorkers
puts more cops on our streets, add- Tisch literally cleaned up our streets helps working-class New Yorkers pay by keeping them safe, making the
ing an additional 1,600 police offi- as sanitation commissioner and will for necessities like housing, groceries, city more affordable, and improving
cers to our neighborhoods over two now figuratively do it as police com- and bills by putting over $467 million quality of life. In this November Plan
new police classes by next October. missioner. She is the right leader in in the cash assistance program and we are building a future for working
This will increase our uniform force this moment and will ensure that $115 million into our CityFHEPS people, one that is safer, cleaner, and
to nearly 34,000 officers to keep our New York City remains the safest big rental assistance program to help more affordable for all New Yorkers.
communities safe. city in America. families find housing and stay in their Eric Adams is the Mayor of
Our officers work every day to The November plan also funds homes. New York City, NY