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NATION DECEMBER 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 8
Cracks develop in Imran Khan’s party as march
to Islamabad ends in failure and casualties
Intense criticism directed at the PTI leadership after the failure of its protest in Islamabad,
which aimed to secure Khan’s release but ended without achieving its objectives
n the intervening night on Monday and
Tuesday, when the PTI’s protesters defied
Oorders and marched towards the country’s
capital, the security forces dispersed them, as per
Al Jazeera. The act resulted in casualties and inju-
ries on both sides.
The PTI supporters marched from Khyber Pa-
khtunkhwa into Islamabad. Their protest had three
demands: reclaiming the party’s “stolen mandate”
from the February elections, the release of politi-
cal prisoners including Imran Khan and the rever-
sal of the ‘constitutional amendment’ granting the
government control over judicial appointments.
The march was organized on Imran Kahn’s
wife Bushra Bibi’s prodding. Now, Maryam Riaz
Wattoo, the sister of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
founder Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi, said in
an interview with ARY News that Bushra Bibi was
disappointed with the party leadership after the
protest failed on Tuesday.
Wattoo told ARY News that Bushra Bibi attend-
ed the PTI’s political committee meeting uninvited.
Bushra Bibi was disappointed with the par-
ty’s leadership and questioned their absence at The authorities launched a crackdown on PTI supporters, resulting in hundreds of arrests and a broader crackdown on the
D Chowk in Islamabad during the rally, Wattoo party, reported ARY News (Agency Photo)
told ARY News. She added that the party lead-
ers left Bushra Bibi when she needed them. She
added that she had a telephonic conversation with reek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Core Committee and Political Sahibzada Hamid Raza’s resignation follows
Bushra Bibi a day after she was allegedly taken to Committee, amid rising tensions within the party the departure of PTI Secretary General Salman
an undisclosed location in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. following its retreat from Islamabad’s D-Chowk, Akram Raja, who stepped down earlier amid simi-
The development came after reports emerged ARY News reported. lar criticism of the party leadership.
that Bushra Bibi used inappropriate language with Sources said that Sahibzada Hamid Raza is also PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan con-
party leaders. ARY News revealed that PTI Sec- planning to resign from his position as a member firmed receiving Raja’s resignation. Sources indi-
retary General Salman Akram Raja and other se- of the National Assembly. The SIC chief is expect- cate that these resignations may prompt more de-
nior leaders resigned after Pakistan’s former first ed to formally tender his resignation to PTI found- partures from the party in the near future, adding
lady addressed them in an appropriate manner in er Imran Khan during their upcoming meeting. to the internal unrest.
a heated meeting. This move comes amid intense criticism di- Meanwhile, PTI’s political committee held a
Bushra Bibi allegedly used harsh words in- rected at the PTI leadership after the failure of meeting in Islamabad to discuss the fallout from
cluding “beghairat” and “vultures,” to describe the its protest in Islamabad, which aimed to secure the D-Chowk protest. The committee reviewed
PTI leaders in a party meeting of 10 leaders held Khan’s release but ended without achieving its ob- the situation and deliberated on potential legal
prior to the November 26 rally in Islamabad. jectives. measures following reports of alleged casualties
Salman Akram Raja on Thursday resigned PTI has faced severe backlash after party during the demonstrations, ARY News reported.
from the post of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers were forced to retreat from D-Chowk. The The meeting highlighted the challenges PTI
Secretary General following the Islamabad pro- authorities launched a crackdown on PTI support- faces as it navigates escalating internal discord and
test, ARY News reported. He submitted his resig- ers, resulting in hundreds of arrests and a broad- public criticism.
nation to PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan. er crackdown on the party, reported ARY News. With growing unrest within the party and crit-
Meanwhile, Sahibzada Hamid Raza, head Questions have been raised over the absence icism mounting from its supporters, PTI’s lead-
of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC), announced of key party leaders during the D-Chowk protest, ership is under pressure to address concerns and
his resignation on Thursday from Pakistan Teh- with discontent growing within PTI’s ranks. regain its footing amid this turbulent period.