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OPINION                                                           DECEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 10

              China’s Sanctions on Skydio

                        and Wider Implications

           The recent engagement between India and Maldives and its significance lies in prioritizing regional security

          along with national priorities of respective countries and in finding a convergence to work towards enhancing

                                      cooperation in various areas at the bilateral and regional level


              he paper analyses the aspects
              of China’s sanctions on Skydio,
        Tthe US’ largest drone manu-
        facturing company. The paper has
        further discussed the possible impli-
        cations and way ahead for India
            On 11 October 2024, the Chinese
        government-imposed sanctions on
        the US’ largest drone manufacturing
        company, Skydio, due to their sale of
        drones to Taiwan. The sanction has
        prohibited Chinese companies from
        supplying vital critical components,
        including drone batteries, to Skydio,
        a significant supplier of Ukraine. The
        sanctions have disrupted the critical
        supply chain for the US and left Sky-
        dio scrambling to find and diversify
        partners to supply critical compo-
            Currently, Skydio is a major de-
        fense partner in Ukraine’s military
        campaign  against  Russia.  However,
        Chinese sanctions came as a result
        of Skydio’s drone contract with Tai-
        wan’s National Fire Agency. China
        has accused the US of providing mil-
        itary equipment, including drones, to   Skydio is a major defense partner in Ukraine’s military campaign against Russia. However, Chinese sanctions came as a result of Skydio’s
        Taiwan. Chinese sanctions have not                          drone contract with Taiwan’s National Fire Agency (Agency file photo)
        only created a supply chain issue for
        Skydio but also have future implica-
        tions.                            wan and intensified sanctions against   Chinese Foreign Ministry demanded   camera and small size, are highly rec-
             What Triggers China?         them. These firms are S-3 Aerospace,   Washington stop conniving and sup-  ognized worldwide, and the success
                                          Cubic Corporation, ACT-1 Federal,   porting “Taiwan’s independence”   of  X10  could  potentially  affect  the
              hinese sanctions have come   Planate Management Group, Exove-  and stop undermining peace and sta-  market of DJI drones.
              as a result of the US govern-  ra, TextOre Inc., TCOM Partnership   bility in the Taiwan Strait.      A Glimpse of China’s
        Cment’s green signal to the sale   Limited, Stick Ruder Enterprises and   Not only does China’s sanction        Dominance
        of military equipment, including com-  Siera Nevada Corporation. Later,   on Skydio represent their worry re-
        bat drones, to Taiwan. In September,   in  October  2024,  the  US  Congress   garding the geopolitics involving Tai-  anufacturing modern mili-
        the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Re-  notified  the  potential  sale  of  three   wan, but the sanctions could also be   tary systems, including mis-
        public of China (Taiwan), confirmed   National  Advanced  Surface-to-Air   examined from the lens of drone com- Msile systems and drones, in-
        the US State Department’s approval   Missile Systems (NASAMS) with 123   petition between the US and China.   volves vital critical components, such
        of $228 million in military spare parts   missiles worth $1.16 billion and $828   In response to China’s sanctions, the   as rare earth and semiconductors.
        and  reshipment  of  equipment  for   million for AN/TPS-77 and AN/TPS-  US  has  alleged  that  Beijing’s  sanc-  These rare earth elements are used to
        Taiwan, escalating tensions between   78 radar systems.             tions are motivated to avoid drone   manufacture chips, batteries and oth-
        Washington  and  Beijing.  Conse-     China has accused the US gov-  competition and to maintain its edge   er components. China has a strong-
        quently, China identified US defense   ernment of violating the One-China   in the international drone market.   hold in rare earth production, repro-
        firms  extending  military  support  to   principle,  harming  Beijing’s  sover-  Notably, China produces DJI drones   cessing facilities and a global supply
        Taiwan.  In  September  2024,  Beijing   eignty and security interests in the   and holds a dominant position in the   chain. China is currently the largest
        held nine US arms companies ac-   region. Condemning the US for in-  commercial drone market. DJI, with   producer of rare earth elements, con-
        countable for supplying arms to Tai-  tervening in its internal affairs, the   its multiple variants, high-resolution   Continued on next page... >>

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