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P. 14

North                       The Indian Eye


         14                                                                                                            DECEMBER 06, 2024

          NYC Mayor Adams announces Significant Progress

                  on Building Faster, Better, More Efficiently as

         Governor Hochul Signs Alternative Delivery into Law

                  New Report Shows Implementation of Capital Process Reform Task Force

                                 Recommendations, Saving Time and Taxpayer Dollars

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            through our inaugural design-build
                                                                                                              program and  building critical facili-
        NEW YORK, NY
                                                                                                              ties in record time for New Yorkers
               ew York City Mayor Eric Ad-                                                                    in emergencies. Thanks to this bill,
               ams has released a new report                                                                  it will no longer take an emergen-
        Nshowing  significant  progress                                                                       cy  to  use  common-sense  tools  like
        in reforming how public infrastruc-                                                                   CM-build.  We  have  already started
        ture  is  constructed  across  the  five                                                              laying the groundwork to expand our
        boroughs  and  celebrated  New  York                                                                  award-winning alternative delivery
        Governor Kathy Hochul’s signing of                                                                    program  to  New  York  City’s  librar-
        legislation last week that enables the                                                                ies, cultural institutions, and critical
        city to cut red tape and deliver proj-                                                                resiliency infrastructure, and we look
        ects  faster  and  more  efficiently  for                                                             forward to releasing our first solicita-
        New Yorkers.                                                                                          tions in early 2025.”
            The report outlines how the city                                                                     “These  reforms  will  help  New
        has fully implemented, or is in the                                                                   York City complete large-scale infra-
        process  of  implementing,  100  per-                                                                 structure projects more quickly and
        cent of the Capital Process Reform                                                                    at lower costs,” said New York City
        Task  Force’s  39  recommendations,                                                                   Department of Transportation Com-
        made in 2022, to more efficiently de- has been cracked open for years on   obstacles that stand in the way of cre- missioner Ydanis Rodriguez.  “Prac-
        liver public infrastructure across New  end, there’s a reason why: archaic   ating more community investments   tices like design-build can transform
        York City.                        rules here in New York, that have  and good-paying jobs.”           the  city’s  construction  process  and
            The legislation Governor Hochul   been  eliminated  nearly everywhere   “As  we  make  these  com- help us build better for New York-
        signed  —  sponsored  by  New  York  else in the country, mandate that  mon-sense reforms, the real winners   ers across the five boroughs. We are
        Senator Leroy Comrie and New York  we go at a snail’s pace,” said Mayor  are everyday New Yorkers. While  grateful for the leadership of Mayor
        Assemblymember  Ed  Braunstein  —  Adams. “New Yorkers deserve better  they may never learn the names of  Adams  and  Governor  Hochul,  and
        will build on that progress by expand- — and thanks to our Capital Process   the hard-working civil servants who   for the partnership at the state leg-
        ing the city’s ability to use progressive  Reform Task Force and Governor  made this possible or understand   islature for these tools to create a
        design-build and construction man- Hochul,  we’re  delivering  just  that.  how long this journey took, they will   more  efficient  capital  construction
        ager  build  —  two  contracting  mod- The  legislation  Governor  Hochul   see  transformational  civic  projects   process.”
        els which cut time-consuming and   signed will let us cut a full year off of  being delivered faster, with less in-  “Building  the  infrastructure
        expensive steps out of the outdated   hundreds  of  project  timelines,  sav- terruption to their lives,” said Deputy   that  will  protect  New  Yorkers  from
        design-bid-build model, resulting in   ing taxpayers millions in the process.  Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi.  our changing climate, including the
        faster, more efficient project delivery.  Our Task Force has found dozens of  “The old system of announcing a proj- flooding that threatens public safety
            Governor  Hochul  also  signed   additional ways to help us build fast- ect — and then waiting years upon  and property, just got a tremendous
        legislation  —  sponsored  by  New  er, better, and more efficiently, and   years — is finally a thing of the past.”  boost that will cut costs and deliver
        York Senator Luis Sepulveda and   we’re moving forward on all of their     “A  new  era  of  great  public   the projects more quickly,” said New
        New York Assemblymember Jenifer  recommendations. This means more   works is becoming possible again  York City Chief Climate Officer and
        Rajkumar  —  which  will  allow  New  projects done on time, done on bud- for New York City,” said New York  New York City Department of Envi-
        Yorkers to submit comments on pro- get, and best of all — done.”    City Department of Design and     ronmental Protection Commissioner
        curements  over  $100,000  online  as   “From the moment I took office,  Construction (DDC) Commissioner  Rohit T. Aggarwala. “These new tools
        opposed to requiring an in-person  I have been focused on cutting red  Thomas Foley, national board chair,  will be put to use on the ongoing $2.6
        hearing; this will save an average of  tape to speed up investment in our  Design-Build  Institute  of  America.  billion work to build a comprehensive
        20  days  on  every  applicable  project  communities,”  said  Governor  Ho- “We have shown what we can accom- drainage system in southeast Queens,
        timeline.                         chul. “Signing alternative delivery  plish when we get the tools we need:  as well as other sewer upgrade proj-
           “If it seems like city construction   into law allows the city to streamline   delivering world-class public build- ects across the five boroughs that are
        projects take forever, and your street  projects, eliminating the unnecessary  ings and infrastructure years faster  critical to keeping New Yorkers safe.”

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