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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 17
Speeding ruins lives.
Slow down.
Vidya Bharti USA Launches its Boston Chapter to Create
Awareness of its Unique Educational Contributions in
India, Expand its Outreach to Indian Diaspora
OUR BUREAU learning benchmarks with the help of
contemporary technologies at a frac-
Boston, MA
tion of the costs in the US.”
idya Bharati USA, a unit of Originally started as Saraswa-
India-based Vidya Bharati, ti Shishu Mandir in India in 1952,
Vwhich operates one of the Vidya Bharti today runs more than
largest private networks of schools 13,000 schools, has about 150,000
in India, today launched its Boston teachers and serves 3.5 million stu-
chapter to create awareness of its dents. Moreover, the organization
unique educational contributions in provides free education in tribal ar-
India and expand its outreach to In- eas, covering 127 border districts with
dian diaspora in Boston area. Pakistan, China and Bangladesh.
“We want to tap into the power “Whereas the average cost of
of over five million Indian diaspo- education in the United States is
ra in the United States, make them $18,000 per student, the average cost
aware about our work and seek their of similar education in India is only
help to enhance our educational about $1,000 per student,” said Mr.
services in India,” said Satish Jha, Jha. “Vidya Bharti students have a
advisor to the Board of Directors of three-fold higher chance of gaining
Vidya Bharti USA. “We have helped Satish Jha admission to prestigious colleges
our students in India achieve global than the general school population.”