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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           DECEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

                  Trump names Jay Bhattacharya,

                             Stanford Professor, to lead

                         National Institutes of Health

                                                                                                              phasis on the role of government pro-
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                              grams, biomedical innovation, and
        Washington, DC                                                                                        economics. Dr. Bhattacharya’s recent
                                                                                                              research focuses on the epidemiology
               S  President-elect  Donald                                                                     of Covid-19 as well as an evaluation of
               Trump on Wednesday named
        UJay Bhattacharya a Professor                                                                         policy responses to the epidemic. His
                                                                                                              broader research interests encom-
        at Stanford School of Medicine and                                                                    pass the implications of population
        of Indian origin  as Director  of  the                                                                aging for future population health
        National  Institutes  of  Health.  Bhat-                                                              and medical spending in developed
        tacharya said he will reform scientific                                                               countries, the measurement of phy-
        institutions so that they’re ‘worthy of                                                               sician performance tied to physician
        trust’ again.                                                                                         payment by insurers, and the role
            “I am thrilled to nominate Jay
        Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, to serve as                                                                    played by biomedical innovation on
                                                                                                              health, as per the Stanford University.
        Director of the National Institutes
        of Health. Bhattacharya will work in
        cooperation  with Robert F  Kenne-                                                                    He has published 135 articles
        dy Jr to direct the Nation’s Medical                                                                  in top peer-reviewed scientific
        Research, and to make important
        discoveries that will improve Health,                                                                 journals in medicine, econom-
        and save lives,” the statement said.                                                                  ics, health policy, epidemiolo-
            “Bhattacharya is a Professor of
        Health Policy at Stanford University,                                                                 gy, statistics, law, and public
        a Research Associate at the Nation-                                                                   health among other fields. He
        al Bureau of Economics Research,
        and  a  Senior  Fellow  by  courtesy  at                                                              holds an MD and PhD in eco-
        the Stanford Institute for Economic                                                                   nomics,  both  earned  at  Stan-
        Policy Research, Stanford Freeman
        Spogli Institute, and the Hoover In-                                                                  ford University.
        stitution. He directs Stanford’s Cen-
        ter for Demography and Economics  tions  to,  America’s  biggest  Health  icant shift in the agency’s priorities.  Notably, on November 14, Trump
        of  Health  and  Aging.  His  Research  challenges, including our Crisis of   The NIH, a part of the US De-  nominated Kennedy as the next Unit-
        focuses on the Health and Well-Be-  Chronic  Illness  and  Disease.  To-  partment of Health and Human Ser-  ed  States  Secretary  of  Health  and
        ing of vulnerable populations, em-  gether, they will work hard to Make  vices, is the nation’s medical research  Human Services (HHS). Health and
        phasizing the role of Government  America Healthy Again!”           agency. Bhattacharya this week met  Human  Services  oversees  NIH  and
        programs, Biomedical Innovation,      Bhattacharya thanked Trump for  with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and im-  other health agencies
        and Economics. Jay is a co-author of  his nomination.               pressed him with his ideas to trans-  “I am thrilled to announce Rob-
        the Great Barrington Declaration, an   In  a  post  on  X,  he  said,  “I  am  form the NIH. He outlined a vision  ert F. Kennedy Jr. as The United
        alternative to lockdowns proposed  honored  and  humbled  by  President  for reforming the NIH, calling for a  States  Secretary  of  Health  and  Hu-
        in October 2020. His peer- reviewed  Donald Trump’s nomination of me to  significant  shift  in  the  agency’s  pri-  man Services (HHS),” Trump said in
        research has been published in Eco-  be the next NIH director. We will re-  orities. Specifically, he advocated for  a post on X.
        nomics, Statistics, Legal, Medical,  form American scientific institutions  increasing funding for innovative re-  “For too long, Americans have
        Public  Health,  and  Health  Policy  so that they are worthy of trust again  search and proposed decreasing the  been crushed by the industrial food
        Journals. He holds an MD and PhD  and will deploy the fruits of excellent  influence of long-tenured career of-  complex and drug companies who
        in Economics from Stanford Univer-  science to make America healthy  ficials.                         have engaged in deception, misin-
        sity,” the statement added.       again!”                               Bhattacharya a Professor of  formation, and disinformation when
            Trump’s  campaign  said  that     The NIH, a part of the US De-  Health  Policy  at  Stanford  Univer-  it comes to Public Health,” the post
        Bhattacharya and his team would  partment of Health and Human Ser-  sity and a research associate at the  further mentioned.
        make ‘America healthy again’, a  vices, is the nation’s medical research  National Bureau of Economics Re-  Notably, Kennedy Jr is the neph-
        play on Trump’s catchphrase- ‘Make  agency.                         search. He directs Stanford’s Center  ew of 35th President of US, John F
        America Great Again’.                 Bhattacharya this week met with  for Demography and Economics of  Kennedy.  He  is  the  founder  of  the
            “Together, Jay and RFK Jr will  Robert F Kennedy Jr and impressed  Health and Aging.              Waterkeeper Alliance -- the world’s
        restore the NIH to a Gold Standard  him with his ideas to transform the   His  research  focuses  on  the  largest clean water advocacy group --
        of Medical Research as they examine  NIH.  He  outlined  a  vision  for  re-  health and well-being of vulnerable  and served as its longtime chairman
        the underlying  causes  of,  and solu-  forming the NIH, calling for a signif-  populations, with a particular em-  and attorney.

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