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BIG STORY                                                         DECEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                              ECONOMIC GROWTH



                   The Indian economy grew by 5.4 per cent in the July-September quarter of

              the current financial year, causing concern in the corporate and business sectors.
                             What is slowing the Indian economy and what is the way out?

        OUR BUREAU

        Mumbai/New Delhi
           n a warning sign for the country’s
           economy, the Indian economy
        Igrew by 5.4 per cent in real terms
        in the July-September quarter of the
        current  financial  year  2024-25,  Min-
        istry of Statistics and Programme Im-
        plementation’s  official  data  showed
        on Friday. The quarterly growth was
        quite lower than RBI’s forecast of 7
        per cent.
            Real  GDP  in  Q2  of  2024-25  is
        estimated  at  Rs  44.10  lakh  crore,
        against Rs 41.86 lakh crore in Q2 of
        2023-24, showing a moderate growth
        rate of 5.4 per cent. Last year same
        quarter, India grew 8.1 per cent. In-
        dian economy grew 6.7 per cent in the
        April-June quarter, lower than RBI’s
        7.1 per cent forecast.
            The RBI has pegged India’s
        2024-25 GDP growth at 7.2 per cent.
        IMF and World have pegged it at 7.0
        per cent. Many global rating agencies   Private consumption, which is expected to drive domestic demand, is showing signs of recovery, bolstered by festive season spending (Agency file photo)
        and multilateral organizations have
        also revised their growth forecasts for   day retained India’s GDP forecast for   um-term outlook remains bullish.  reflects  the  disappointing  corporate
        India upwards.                    the current financial year 2024-25 at   India’s GDP grew by an impres-  earnings data, particularly in the man-
            In its latest monetary policy re-  6.8 per cent while cutting econom-  sive 8.2 per cent during the financial   ufacturing sector, which appears to
        view meeting in October, RBI pegged   ic growth forecasts for the next two   year  2023-24,  continuing  to  be  the   have faced the brunt of the slowdown.
        Q2  growth  forecast  at  7.0  per  cent;   years. The Reserve Bank of India last   fastest-growing major economy. The   She said, “The sharply low-
        Q3 at 7.4 per cent; and Q4 at 7.4 per   week said that the weakness witnessed   economy grew by 7.2 per cent in 2022-  er-than-expected GDP figures reflect
        cent. Real GDP growth for Q1 of next   in the Indian economy, particularly in   23 and 8.7 per cent in 2021-22.  the highly disappointing corporate
        financial year 2025-26 is projected at   the recent quarter, is behind us.  But now India’s GDP growth   earnings data. The manufacturing
        7.3 per cent.                         The  slack  in  speed  in  the  Indi-  has disappointed expectations, with   sector appears to have taken the max-
            The Economic Survey tabled in   an economy observed in the second   the economy growing by just 5.4 per   imum beating. The high-frequency
        Parliament earlier this year “conser-  quarter of 2024-25 (July-September)   cent in the July-September quarter of   data suggests that festive linked reviv-
        vatively” projected India’s real GDP   is behind us as private consumption is   FY2024-25. This slower-than-expect-  al in activity may provide a marginally
        growth at 6.5-7 per cent for 2024-25,   back to being the driver of domestic   ed growth has raised concerns among   better 2H growth figure, but overall
        acknowledging that market expecta-  demand with festival spending light-  economists,  who  are  now  adjusting   GDP growth for FY25 is going to be
        tions are higher. Real GDP growth is   ing up real activity in October-De-  their projections for the rest of the year.  around 100bps lower than RBI’s esti-
        the reported economic growth adjust-  cember, RBI had said in its latest   Upasna  Bhardwaj,  chief  econo-  mate of 7.2 per cent.”
        ed for inflation.                 monthly bulletin.                 mist at Kotak Mahindra Bank, not-     She added, “Despite the sharp
            S&P Global Ratings this Mon-      The RBI asserted that the medi-  ed that the sharp dip in GDP growth   Continued on next page... >>

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