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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               DECEMBER 04, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          29

          aseI hOnOrs eIGht at Its 33rd annual VIrtual cOnVentIOn

            engineer of the Year Award       ISES and AAES and more than  Magna in India.                             dent at Park Computer Systems
             (mechanical/solar energy)       50 other awards and certificates       Asei service excellence Award     and has served as director at
                                             from major engineering and sci-                                          ASEI Silicon Valley chapter fo-
             Prof. d. Yogi Goswami           entific societies.                            rakesh Patel               cusing on STEM and internship

         Ph.D., PE, Distinguished Univer-        engineer of the Year Award        Former President and Current       initiatives. With education and
         sity Professor and Director of the    (Product engineering and opera-            Treasurer, ASEI             background in software engi-
        Clean Energy Research Center at              tions management)               Rakesh Patel is an engineer,     neering and entrepreneurial ex-
                                                                                                                      perience of building a job board
          the University of South Florida                                         entrepreneur, board advisor,        and application tracking system,
            Dr. Yogi Goswami is the                    deval desai               and IT consultant for the vari-      he drives innovative solutions,
        Distinguished  University  Pro-       Vice President & India Country     ous domains of emerging tech-        coaches leaders to be success-
        fessor and Director of the Clean        Head, Magna International        nologies. He has been working
        Energy Research Center at the           Deval Desai serves as Vice  as a Global IT compliance at              ful, and develops strong, diverse
        University  of  South  Florida.  President and India Country  General Motors for the past 8                   teams. Attracting, retaining,
        Professor Goswami is the Edi- Head at Magna International, a  years. Previously, he has pro-                  mentoring,  and  developing  tal-
                                                                                                                      ent is his key strength.
        tor-in-Chief of the Solar Ener- global automotive supplier that  vided IT consulting to IBM,                      Sunita Dublish  is a web de-
        gy journal, and Progress in So- designs, develops and manufac- Chrysler, EDS, HP, Ford, and                   veloper  with  front-end  as  well
        lar Energy. He is an author or  tures components and systems  various other industries. Serving               as back-end skills and more
        editor 16 books and more than  for the world’s leading auto- as Board  Member, Vice  Presi-
        300 refereed technical papers.  makers. In this position, Desai  dent, President and currently as             than 15 years of experience in
        He is a recipient of many dis- is responsible for digital mar- Treasurer, Rakesh has also been                web development. She believes
        tinguished awards for his out- keting, strategic business devel- serving as executive and board               in creating great experiences
                                                                                                                      for end users. She has worked
        standing work. Dr. Goswami is  opment and continued expan- member at various profession-                      at  start-ups,  nonprofit  and
        a recipient of the highest energy  sion in India, and serves as one  al and non-profit organizations.         for-profit companies. She has a
        related awards of ASME, ASES,  of the senior representatives for  Rakesh has an Engineering
                                                                                 Degree from India and MS in          Computer Science degree from
                                                                                 management technology from           IET, Lucknow. She also serves
                                                                                 University of Phoenix.               and has served on the boards of
                                                                                                                      several nonprofit organizations.
                                                                                   hari Bindal Asei Founders Award    Sunita has served as ASEI Sil-
                                                                                                                      icon Valley volunteer for a few
                                                                                        Vatsala upadhyay              years and is now Director IT.

                                                                                     ASEI Michigan President             ASEI President Jwalant
                                                                                     Vatsala Upadhyay is the IT  Lakhia said, “ASEI is very
                                                                                 Systems Architect at Seco Tools.  pleased        to    recognize     all
                                                                                 She has almost 30 years of ex-       awardees for their dedication,
                                                                                 perience in collaboration solu- hard work, and exemplary con-
                                                                                 tions and CRM applications  tribution in their respective
                                                                                 across multi-platforms. Mas- fields. We plan to continue with
                                                                                 ters in Computer Applications  our annual tradition of acknowl-
                                                                                 from BIT, Mesra with Executive  edging those who have made
                                                                                 MBA degree, she has profes- outstanding  contributions  in
                                                                                  sional  certifications  in  Project  Technology and Engineering and
                                                                                 Management, ITIL, Scrum, and  those who have  done extraor-
                                                                                 Six Sigma. Vatsala is extremely  dinary  work  to  support  ASEI”
                                                                                 passionate about life and values        ASEI Board Member Dr.
                                                                                 each moment as a beautiful gift.  Thomas Abraham served as
                                                                                 She has been a national level  Awards Committee Chair.
                                                                                 volleyball player back in India          Dr. Abraham said that ASEI
                                                                                 and is a techno-geek, who be- is a great organization providing
                                                                                 lieves that there is a solution for  broad platform for the Indian
                                                                                 every problem, we need to just  origin engineers, technologists
                                                                                 look deep enough.                    and scientists and it provides a

                                                                                 leadership and contribution to Asei  wide networking opportunities
                                                                                                                      for all engineering profession-
                                                                                       rakesh Guliani and             als as well as to make them en-
                                                                                                                      gaged in new technologies..
                                                                                          sunita dublish                 “ASEI resources can be
                                                                                    ASEI Silicon Valley Chapter       pooled to benefit in India’s devel-
                                                                                     Rakesh Guliani is Vice Presi- opment,” Dr.Abraham added.

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