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South                      The Indian Eye


         30                                                                                                                       DECEMBER 04, 2020

             meet Jonas masetti, an acharya of Vedanta

         and Bhagwat Geeta from Brazil who Pm modi

             talked about in his ‘mann ki Baat’ program

         Jonas masetti, also known as Vishwanath, teaches indian philosophy to thousands of Brazilians.

           he is the head of the Vishva Vidyalaya institute in rio de Janeiro, Brazil. he has dedicated his

                         life to spreading the message of Vedas around Brazil and across the world.

        The distinguished Vedic expert appears on “In Conversation” show of Radio Zindagi on Sunday, December 6

        Our Bureau                                                                                                    through people today. “It is not

        SAO PAULO                                                                                                     something that is in the books
                                                                                                                      and you hear about. People
                 ddressing the nation                                                                                 still live this tradition today, it
                 in his monthly radio                                                                                 is within the habits and culture
        Aprogramme ‘Mann Ki                                                                                           ”, he said.
        Baat’, Prime Minister Narendra                                                                                    The Vedas are very vast and
        Modi highlighted the work and                                                                                 contain various subjects, such
        accomplishments of Jonas Ma-                                                                                  as astrology, mantras, tantra,
        setti, a Brazilian man who has                                                                                yoga, aiurveda. “Asanas, the
        been giving lessons on Vedanta                                                                                postures of Yoga, for example,
        and the Bhagavad Gita in Rio                                                                                  come from this same culture
        de Janeiro. Speaking about the                                                                                called Vedic, from this same
        impact of Indian culture and                                                                                  group called Vedas. The same
        scripture on people across the                                                                                tradition that points to astrol-
        world, PM Modi said, “Some                                                                                    ogy, also points to physical ex-
        people came to India in search        Prime minister modi spoke about the Acharya on his program on Nov 29    ercises that lead to emotional
        of them and stayed here for                                                                                   release, to the health of the
        life. While some returned to  that helps people to find peace  mantras.                                       body, to a more balanced life ”,
        their countries as cultural am- and inner balance independent                Opening the lecture, Amit        he said.
        bassadors of India.”                 of the outside world. Vishva  Mishra, Indian consul-general                  Ayurveda, he continued,
                                             Vidya means “universal knowl- in São Paulo, explained that               which means “knowledge of
        “i got to know about the             edge”, that is, it is aimed at all  this was the first time that the     life”, is the part of the Vedas
                                                                                                                      that deals with ancient medi-
                                             people of any religion, age, cul- consulate and the CCSV held
        work of Jonas masetti, who is  ture and nationality.                     a joint event with the school of     cine. “It is a job of harmonizing
                                                He has been giving lectures  Professor Jonas Masetti. Mish-
        also known as ‘Vishvanath’.          on Vedanta for quite some  ra said he visited the institute              what you eat, what you do, your
                                                                                                                      daily life, even the way you talk
        Jonas gives lessons on  time.  Some time ago, in the  last year. “There are three very                        and behave with other people

        Vedanta and gita in Brazil,”         middle of quarantine, he cov- important components of the                to promote health,” he said.
                                             ered a range of topics extensive  study of Indian culture here               In the Vedas, the professor
        he went on to explain. in an online lecture “The Tra- in Brazil: Yoga, Aiurveda and                           explained, there is a call for
                                             ditional Teaching of Vedanta in  Vedanta. In the Vedanta field,          personal evolution, for awak-
            Masetti runs the Vishva  Modern Times, promoted by  Professor  Masetti is doing a                         ening, for overcoming suffer-
        Vidya Institute of Vedanta,  the Consulate General of India  wonderful job in spreading                       ing. “If we start to analyze the
        where Sanskrit, Mantras and  in São Paulo and by the Cultur- this philosophy in Brazil, ”said                 origin, the cause of our suffer-
        Vedic Culture are taught, lo- al Center Swami Vivekananda  Amit Mishra.                                       ing in our daily lives, we will re-
        cated in Petrópolis, Rio de Ja- (CCSV).                                      Masetti started the chat by      alize that this suffering always
        neiro. Vedanta, as explained            He spoke about the causes  explaining that the Vedic tradi-           goes through a structure of
        by Masetti, who studied the  of suffering, the importance  tion is all based on the Vedas,                    self-condemnation. This suf-
        subject for four years in India  of knowing, understanding the  ancient texts from India that                 fering is coming not because
        - is the ancient knowledge that  role of our mind, the Indian  bring together a set of knowl-                 of the action outside. It arises
        comes from that country and  traditions of Ayurveda, yoga,  edge that has been preserved                            Continued at next page... >>

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