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SOUTH AmERIcAN Newsline DECEMBER 04, 2020 | The Indian Eye 31
from a conviction inside, ”ex- ey, professional success and at
plained Masetti. the same time not being full
Masetti explained that the and satisfied?”
study of Vedanta aims to get After seeing that other “suc-
straight to the point: under- cessful” people, too, appeared
standing the subject, that is, to lack clarity and peace, he
what will make a difference to turned to spirituality to look
my happiness and to the under- for answers. This was when he
standing of who we are. moved to India and studied Ve-
“There is a very clear in- danta for four years under the
compatibility between our guidance of Swami Dayananda
judgment of ourselves and our Saraswati.
fundamental desire to be eter- He explained that the Ve-
nally free and happy people in dic tradition is not a religion in
all situations and places. And itself. “It makes no difference
suffering arises precisely from whether you pray to Christ or
the difference between these to Krishna. This is a tradition
two things. The mind cannot Acharya Jonas masetti of students, of people who
bear to see a world on the out- dedicate their lives to helping
side telling me that I am im- whether you pray to Christ or has already had access to many others. It is not a weekend tra-
perfect and at the same time to Krishna. This is a tradition religions. “Therefore, we have dition, it is a tradition that is
on the inside I want to live full of students, of people who a very open mind. We can look traveling thousands of years to
freedom. This conflict is what dedicate their lives to helping beyond the clothes, beyond the get here ”, he recalled. At the
causes suffering, ”he said. others. It is not a weekend tra- marks on the forehead, beyond end of the lecture, the students
“With every step I take in dition, it is a tradition that is the color ”, he said in the on- asked several questions. “What
this process of internal analy- traveling thousands of years to line gathering. are the benefits that the study
sis, trying to understand what get here ”, he recalled. At the Masetti began pursuing a of Vedanta brings to the prac-
this guy is behind, I am re- end of the lecture, the students spiritual path while he was still tice of Yoga?” Asked one of
leasing this character from his asked several questions. “What working in the financial mar- the listeners.
pains and natural self-condem- are the benefits that the study ket. In the years after he grad- “Yoga is very efficient from
nations. This process, which is of Vedanta brings to the prac- uated from engineering col- a physical, health point of view,
like the flowering of a flower, tice of Yoga?” Asked one of lege, he ran a consultancy firm and it also releases emotional
is Vedanta. We have freed our- the listeners. and worked with several “top issues that get stuck in the mus-
selves from a prison that we According to him, Brazil is management companies”. But cles, in the joints. You leave the
already carried within us ”, he beginning to have an interest- he would always ask himself — class very happy and with a very
observed. ing presence in this Vedic tradi- “How could I have everything good feeling and this is fertile
Masetti, a mechanical en- tion because it is a country that in life: family, girlfriend, mon- ground for you to plant after-
gineer, is the founder of an wards. This plantation is the
organisation called ‘Vishva works of Vedanta. It is the part
Vidya’, located in the hills of that changes understandings
Petrópolis, about an hour away about yourself. So it’s a perfect
from Rio de Janeiro. It is here complement, ”replied Masetti
that he teaches hundreds of his in the online event.
students about ancient Indi- Another person asked if
an sacred texts, including the happiness is possible. “It is pos-
Bhagavad Gita and Vedanta. sible. But I ask another ques-
He also teaches Sanskrit, man- tion: if it were not possible,
tras and Vedic culture. would it make a difference?
According to him, Brazil is Were you going to stop looking
beginning to have an interest- for happiness?
ing presence in this Vedic tra- Whether it is possible or
dition because it is a country not, we will continue to look
that has already had access to for it. Unless I have the con-
many religions. viction that I will succeed, the
“Therefore, we have a very doors will not open. So happi-
open mind. We can look be- ness is possible, ”he concluded
yond the clothes, beyond the in the online lecture.
marks on the forehead, beyond
the color ”, he said. With a report from
He explained that the Ve- Beco da Índia, a Brazilian
dic tradition is not a religion in website that covers Indian
itself. “It makes no difference culture in South America.
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